Alex closed his eyes for a moment and just enjoyed the feeling of the cool breeze for a moment. He had to say, for being so high up, the weather was pretty perfect. Alex had always liked colder weather anyways, but fall around here seemed like something special. He had heard that the weather was kept fairly manageable due to all the elementalists and their many...activities...whatever that meant.. But regardless it was a nice place to live, and the colors of the trees really were wonderful to watch. A sudden growl snapped Alex out of his contemplation. For the briefest of moments he thought he was being stalked by some sort of feral fox, until his stomach decided to growl again. [i]Oh[/i] He knew he had been forgetting to do something this morning, apparently that thing was actually eat. It was kind of a bad habit of his, he just got so involved with everything else that he forgot to get food. Sitting up, Alex grabbed his books and stood, stretching just a little. He had considered going and seeing what food he could scrounge up at the school, but he was pretty sure he had some cookies stashed away in his room, and he really didn't feel like carrying all of these books around with him either. As Alex wandered towards his dorm his mind wandered as well. He wondered if he should talk to one of the teachers about his abilities. He was sure they would be able to help. Non of them actually mentioned what his seeming lack of control, in fact, they acted like he was doing perfectly fine. But it just never felt right.[i] My father was already throwing around fireballs at my age, I should be able to do better then this. Maybe its more then just a mental block, maybe somethings physically wrong with me....Maybe I'll never be able to wield my element like everyone else... What if I..[/i] A root jumped out of the ground and snagged Alex's foot. Alex floundered for a moment attempting in vain to regain his balance and not fall flat on his face, he was less then successful. His books flew out of his hands scattering across the ground, he managed to get his hands underneath himself and slightly cushion his fall, but it didn't help much as his stomach slammed into the ground and the air rushed fro his lungs. He laid there for a moment, trying in vain to catch his breath. How could he have been so stupid? He should at least be able to watch where he was going. Well maybe he got lucky and no one had seen his amazing display of athletic prowess. He looked up just in time to see one of the other boys from his class. [i]And there's the cherry on the crap ice cream sundae. [/i] He recognized the boy, though he wasn't sure if that made it better or worse. Chaska was in some of his other classes. They hadn't talked a lot, Chaska came off as a little quiet as well if a lot less....awkward. Slowly, Alex pushed himself off the ground as Chaska got closer. Alright Alex, say something to make yourself look at least a little less like a giant idiot. [color=DodgerBlue]"Damn root came out of nowhere...."[/color] [i]God job....[/i] [@hagroden]