Nov 1, 2017 - the Slums - 3:30pm After connecting with some of his informants Sloth knew who the snitch was, Johnny Scaletto, [i]"Fucking Johnny Scaletto, and to think we took this deadbeat in a couple of months ago, working for us in exchange for protection, man Mabel was going a little soft, I need to have a word with Ma soon"[/i] he thought to himself, cruising the alleyways of the Slums looking for the traitor. He found him posted on a corner smoking a cigarette hanging out with a local, he strolled up nonchalantly. [i]"Ay Sloth, what's up man, how you been?"[/i] the local asked, the kid couldn't have been more than twenty, was green behind the ears, and maybe 120 pounds soaking wet, his name was Charlie Bennett. [i]"I been good Charlie how bout' yourself? Ay, you mind if I borrow Johnny here for a minute? Won't be long"[/i] Sloth asked, fist bumpin' the young cat [i]"No problem man, and I been good, just got a job down at the docks"[/i] Charlie replied [i]"Yo Sloth whatcha' need man? I'm in a little bit of a rush but I always got time for you bro"[/i] Johnny said, unsuspecting of anything amiss [i]"I need a little help over at the spot for a minute, be half a hour tops, and that's awesome Charlie, stay outta trouble ya hear?"[/i] Sloth said back, [i]"and no worries Johnny, the faster we walk the quicker"[/i] [i]"Cool bro"[/i] he responded and they took off together They walked in silence before cutting through an alleyway Johnny was unfamiliar with, [i]"Yo Sloth, where we going man? the spot is back that way?" [/i]Johnny asked pointing the opposite direction. [i]"We gotta grab something for the boss, I need an extra set of hands"[/i] Sloth replied, unlocking a door in the alleyway and allowing Johnny to go in first, heading down a flight of stairs. Looking around to ensure no one was around, Sloth locked the door behind them and followed him. They were in a poorly lit room with a furnace at one end and a couple of boxes on racks against the wall. [i]"Yo Sloth what th-"[/i] before the words finished escaping his mouth a Sujo materialized from the dark corner choking him with a taught piece of leather, a material that would leave no trace of blood. Johnny's eyes widened as he realized what was happening but he was powerless against the sheer strength and size of the thug. [i]"You know you fucked up right Johnny? I know you snitched to Vito Johnny. He came into the Den slinging his dick around like he knew something, and I had to think to myself, how the fuck did he get there that fast, something didn't add up Johnny."[/i] Sloth walked back and forth as he spoke, thumbing the point of his knife [i]"So I asked around Johnny, because you know I know all the right people and a few people saw you talking to Vito Johnny and bingo it clicked. We took you in you piece of shit and now we're going to take you out" [/i]Sloth walked over to the furnace and opened the door exposing a roaring fire, disposal of the body would take a matter of minutes, there would be no trace. The thug tied the leather in his mouth so no sound could emit. Johnny tried to resist and fight back but there was nothing he could do, the strength of the two was far greater than his and they forced him into the furnace shutting the door. Johnny screamed a voiceless scream as he was consumed by the raging inferno, never to be seen or heard from again. Sloth left the clean up if any to his Sujo brother, one of the best in the biz in leaving no evidence and he took off for the Market District. On his way out he turned to the Sujo and said [i]"Make sure Charlie knows to keep his mouth shut, give him some healthy incentive"[/i] the goon nodded silently. Sloth couldn't afford loose ends, he usually paid any potential witnesses very well to keep quiet, and nine times of out ten it worked, people native to the Slums respected the code, and if they didn't, well ask Johnny. Sloth looked down to see his pager illuminated, it was from Vito, he wanted to meet at the Market District hours ago. [i]"Damned thing musta' not went off"[/i] he muttered, he sent back [b]"30mins"[/b]