Hello. My buddy suggested we try gaming together through this forum, but he bailed on me. Adult life stuff. I'm still interested though, this place seems really lively compared to other forums I've joined in the past. I used to PbP roleplay on wikis back in 2000, and did freeform RP on several forums in 2012-13. My last PbP was earlier this year, DMing D&D 5e on D&D Wiki, where I'm an admin called Kydo. (Being an admin there just means they trust you not to ruin stuff, it doesn't have any fancy responsibilities or anything. I'm on vacation from that community; they have a bad rep and it's hard trying to constantly promote the good in it.) Anyways, as far as games go, I've recently been interested in seeing if Polaris (the one about knights and ice and demons, not the one about an aquatic postapocalypse) can be converted for forum play. https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/168568-polaris-chivalric-tragedy-at-the-utmost-north/ooc I was also considering running a roleplay using The Resistance as the rule system, but having players flesh out game events with detailed narration like a full RPG. https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/168567-the-resistance/ooc If anyone is interested in giving that a shot, or has a better suggestion, I'm all ears!