Neil heard all of it through his comm system, though he was glad Sayeeda kicked him into gear with her comment. He was basically too busy to concentrate on what Taya was informing them of, his mind moving on technical instinct. As the Captain informed him to haul ass, he was already opening the grille to the left, unhooking the cylindrical drive cores so he could redirect all power to the megafreighter's sublight engines. Superheated steam burst from the vents as he unlatched them. "I'm on it. Won't take long," he replied, switching the drive cores around to the main entryway of the engine. He began to speak as he worked, alleviating her worries as much as letting him prep himself of where he was at. "I already bypassed her security measures and shut her main functions down. Just need to switch the drives, manually override the auxiliary protocol and then hit it with the power and we're golden." As he did that, the minutes ticked down. Sayeeda would see him working as fast as he could, giving her regular updates. "Drives cores inserted and am now running the set up...and I am redirecting and beginning the sublight engine's phase..." "We have 5 minutes until I will yank you out of here." Sayeeda warned just before Neil clipped down the last algorithm. "DONE." His announcement was followed by a thrum that filled the chamber, reverberating the very walls of the room. Heat began to envelope the two, though it wasn't overly scalding unless they remained. Luckily, they made as good a time as any getting back into the shaft and shooting upward through it. Neil and Sayeeda traversed the shaft, Taya suddenly appearing on the comm as they were within 50 meters of the stop. "Where are you? Lonny says the Bioship is gaining speed, and others are joining it." "We're almost there." Neil promised her. Zero gravity running wasn't exactly possible, but they shot off of every curve and crevice and corner they could find to speed them up as they made it back into the Highlander. The bay door opened for them both, Neil and Sayeeda leaping into it, the door behind them sealing shut. Oxygen filled the room, and Neil removed his helmet. He was sweating bullets from the exertion and his wound, but he still had to fly them out of here. He ran from the room and into the cockpit just as soon as the warning beacon began lighting up, showing that the bioships were getting within firing range. Neil plopped into his chair and flipped on the sublight engines, bringing up the maneuvering display. "Let's get the fuck out of here." [@Penny]