[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f9ad81]Foy Coiffeur[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://snippetstudios.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/a-million-ways-to-die-in-the-west-640x350.png [/img][hr][b][color=f9ad81]Location:[/color][/b] Newhope - Docks -> Lady Luck [hr][/center] [color=f9ad81]"Posthaste, my loquacious companion![/color] exclaimed Foy. [color=f9ad81]"I believe the good doctor has expressed a desire apart from my attentions; at the very least until the first highball change her opinion. I am wearing my [i]pleated trousers[/i], you see. When combined with alcohol, they become positively magnetic. Pleated trousers, indeed.[/color] Tipping his own hat and taking off after Atticus at a jog. As he caught up to the Foysculpted Parson, he engaged the man in dialogue befitting someone of his station and experience. [color=f9ad81]Oh, Shepherd? I say there, Atticus old boy... whyever must you accelerate beyond the desires of your cadre of fellow dock pedestrians? It might be misinterpreted as the act of a boorish individual, of which a minute minority of this crew holds any claim."[/color] He came to walk alongside the advancing priest, giving him a sharp and witty smile. [color=f9ad81]"I've an idea, Shepherd. Myself and the highly esteemed Dr. Jahosafat Moreau were [i]just[/i] engaged in dialogue concerning the appropriateness, or lack thereof, in casual and open displays of the fracturing of Biblical ethic. That is to say, how shall we acquire full understanding of the error of our ways, or to be succinct, "Sinning", unless we are give a structured tutorial on the very subject? Indeed, this is a head scratcher."[/color] Foy pointed a finger toward the sky, displaying a very sarcastic Eureka moment. [color=f9ad81]"Aha! Providence may have just provided the proper inspiration to achieve our goal, sir! We shall require a demonstration! Yes, a hands-on, participation required demonstration of [i]several[/i] of the most decadent applications of our Seven Deadlies. How else will our Dear and Shiny Lord be able to forgive us, if we are bereft of incidents to forgive? Hmm?"[/color] Naturally, upon actually entering the establishment, Foy saw several such opportunities for sinning in all of the usual ways. He listened intently as Jahosafat pointed out the dance floor, agreeing in totality with his sentiment. [color=f9ad81]"Indubitably! I too feel the steadfast pull of the waxed, smooth wooden floor, prompting many a toe to be tapped. I simply must find out somehow if the house music or any live performers have a more or less civilized selection of music, naturally. Some good Core or Farradayan stock. Oh! A frontier line, perhaps? You know how I adore a good frontier line dance."[/color] [color=f9ad81]But in the meantime, I must see to tradition. Whisky, neat; as befits these surroundings. Come along, the first snort is on me, my finely suited compatriot, then I must find out if this place deals in less subtle, horizontal refreshments. To the barkeep!"[/color] Jubilant but not stupid, Foy did not know the level of respectability of the establishment. He kept conscious of the weight of his valuables in the places he kept them, and bright, keen eyes scanned his surroundings (particularly the people in them), partially hidden by the brim of his very dapper bowler hat. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=008080]William Harper[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-joToxLegqZk/UlP_OiXe43I/AAAAAAAAcfs/_sbEOs83YPQ/s400/Peinados+de+hombres+al+estilo+de+Christian+Bale-1.jpg[/img][hr][b][color=teal]Location:[/color][/b] Newhope - Docks -> Lady Luck [hr][/center] Harper gave a polite nod as Daphne accepted his arm. He surprised himself with that level of contact, considering the mild paranoia that seemed to never quite go away. Maybe after a drink or two and some time to relax, the vast majority of the past three years would all be nothing more than an unpleasant memory. He had adopted a few different personas since breathing free air, this one was thankfully more like the person he was years ago. Still, he needed to assimilate into this new lifestyle. Leading a young lady to a social gathering was [i]normal[/i] after all, wasn't it? Well, it was for them, so it would be for him. He made himself remember what happened to the [i]real[/i] Lieutenant Harper (that sadist), and it conjured the necessary warm smile that made him appear, for all intents and purposes, just a pilot looking forward to going out for a while with some company. [color=008080]"This way, ma'am,"[/color] he said with plain optimism, leading Daphne down the dock and into the streets of Newhope, trailing others in the group who he really hoped knew the way to this nightspot. He made it a point to memorize his surroundings, just in case he had to beat a hasty retreat back to the ship. As they neared the club, Harper removed his hard currency from his usual pocket, splitting it into separate amounts and changing their location on his person to deter pickpockets. Entering, he was momentarily set back to find that the best tables to preserve his anonymity with a quick shot to the outside were taken. It would be a wait for a table, if one opened at all. But there was a spot at the bar. Harper wasn't an amazingly huge fan of the bar. Too exposed. But he was just one guy in a crowd, like everyone else. More colorful individuals would draw the attention, and subsequently, stick out in people's memory, making a couple of his new crewmates damn near ideal in this regard. So, with a shrug, he located an open couple of spaces and looked to Daphne. [color=008080]"Buy you a drink while we wait for a table?"[/color]