[hider=Supernatural Files] Your guide to what you fight. [u][i][b]A Class:[/b][/i][/u] A Class supernatural are the most dangerous and lethal supernaturals possible to face. Upper tier A classes are some of the most powerful supernatural beings in the world, and they are the absolute worst for any supernatural organisation to deal with. Extreme caution, and extra [i]pre[/i]caution is heavily advised. Most departments have a separate squad for dealing with A Class supernaturals, but not this one. [i]Vampires: Out of all the A Class, these are the worst. Vampires have extreme regenerative healing, sparked by drinking blood, heightened reflexes, the ability to fly, supernatural speed, and extreme pain tolerance. They can also enter what is known as the 'hunger,' where they fly into a bloodlust, only stopping when they are completely full of blood. The first hunger, when one is immediately transformed, is the worst, and therefore any S-SWAT members who are unlucky enough to transform are immediately kill-on-sight targets. The only thing that will stop a vampire is total destruction of the heart, or exposure to UV light. Only 1 in 10,000 people infected with the vampiric virus mutate into vampires. Iron filings, whilst doing no damage to vampires, have the curious effect of mesmerising them for short periods of time, although the chance of a trooper being able to catch a vampire's attention for long enough to throw the filings, whilst also not dying, are slim. Werewolves: Werewolves are, whilst also beings of great power, more manegable than vampires. Werewolves are those individuals born with the lycanthropic virus- and can shift into three distinct forms. The first is their human form, the second their pure wolf form, and the third is a 'lycan' form. Most Werewolves prefer to stay in their human or pure wolf forms, and are generally quite happy to live normal lives. Contrary to popular belief, they do not [i]have[/i] to transform at a full moon, but they feel the urge to shift into lycans more powerfully at that time than any other. Any form of damage can kill them, however silver is particularly effective. Lycanthropes: Individuals infected by the lycanthropic virus post-birth. They are unable to transform into pure wolf forms, and are much more aggressive than their werewolf brethren. Unlike werewolves, they are unable to prevent transforming at both the full and new moon. Highly susceptible to silver- even more so than werewolves. Bronze is also highly effective against them. Demons: Demons are distinctly different from Imps, and it is unknown if they actually come from hell or not. Demons are similar to vampires in that they have lightning fast reflexes, superhuman speed and strength, and other abhuman capabilities, however they are exclusively summoned by warlocks, normally in order to make a deal. Because of this, they are almost never an issue for S-SWAT teams, although the warlocks often are. If one must fight a demon, silver bullets and overwhelming firepower handles them better than any religious symbol. Sorcerers/Witches: Sorcerers and witches are individuals who have manifested supernatural powers at their birth. Whilst not all magic users become an issue for S-SWAT teams, those that are are all classified under this umbrella term. Sorcerers are capable of making golems, zombies and gargoyles, as well as casting a wide variety of spells. Each individual Sorcerer manifests their powers slightly differently- even when casting similar spells, and because of this, extreme caution is advised. As humans, they are susceptible to everything that normal humans would be susceptible to, although some will be able to mitigate damage through the use of spells. Golems: Golems are magically-bound creations, traditionally from stone, clay or metal, commanded by a sorcerer. They are incredibly strong, and depending on their materials, are almost invulnerable. Should their sorcerer be slain, or if they [i]are[/i] made from a vulnerable material, enough damage will cause them to break down, the magic that sustained them leaving their body. Hellhounds: Hellhounds are simply dogs that have been heavily mutated by exposure to magic. It is not known why only dogs have been seen transforming into hellhounds. Depending on the original species, hellhounds could be merley a nuciance, or serious and deadly threats. Their true danger lies in the fact that they travel in a pack, and are very hard to accurately fire upon. Furthermore, should they be non-lethally injured, hellhounds become [i]more[/i] aggressive and powerful. [/i] [u][b][i]B Class:[/i][/b][/u] B Class supernaturals are the bog-standard type of creatures encountered by S-SWAT teams, forming the bread and butter of their supernatural foes. S-SWAT teams are advised to take caution around them, but with their equipment and training, they shouldn’t have too many issues. [i]Zombies: Zombies, like golems, are made and bound to sorcerers, and are effectively ‘corpse golems.’ They have incredible durability, but are shockingly slow and have no natural abilities other than increased strength. This means that in close combat, a zombie's swinging fists can easily knock a trooper down and break bones, but zombies do not attempt to eat troopers, contrary to many hazing remarks. Maintain distance and gun them down. Ghoul: Ghouls are those individuals who have been infected by the vampiric virus, but rather than being killed or turned into vampires, they are one of the around 200/10,000 infected who turn into ghouls. Ghouls are faster and more resistant to damage than your average human, and have heightened reflexes. They cannot fly, but are much more resistant to UV light- troopers are advised to treat them like humans under the effect of drugs. Ghouls can regenerate when they drink blood, however the effect is nowhere near as fast as in vampires, and they cannot drain using fangs like a vampire can. Gargoyles: Where golems are found, gargoyles will naturally follow. Gargoyles are either created by the person who carved them, or by a sorcerer. The former normally happens by accident, the latter by malice. Gargoyles are durable, but slow moving and not very intelligent. Their only true advantage is flight. Humans: Humans are highly intelligent, capable of using firearms and other weapons, excellent tacticians, and are surprisingly durable when under the effects of mind altering substances, or when wearing armour. Standard SWAT procedure applies, but do not underestimate your foes simply because they do not have the same amount of training as you do.[/i] [u][i][b]C Class:[/b][/i][/u] C Class supernaturals are generally regarded as harmless to people and will rarely have an S-SWAT Team sent out to deal with them. Despite this, they are easily the most common types of supernaturals. They pose little to no threat to S-SWAT teams unless in large numbers, or accompanied by others of a higher class. [i]Fae: Fae are, individually, extremely powerful. They appear as quad-winged humanoids no bigger than half a foot tall, but underestimating them would be a mistake. They are incredibly magically powerful, and hold humanity generally with distain, meaning they distance themselves from humans. If a Fae has gone rogue and is attacking people, standard procedures do not apply- there are specific protocols in place. Imp: Ims stand at about a foot tall, and have bat-like wings that allow them to fly. They're roughly as clever as a human, and with innate magical power. Luckily, they are nowhere near as powerful as their Fae equivalent, and their only real defence against S-SWAT troopers is sarcasm and scathing remarks. A good punt normally quietens them. Dryad: Dryads are normally entirely harmless, and New Hampshire has an unusually large amount of these creatures. Bound to a tree, especially older ones, they will protect the wooden constructs with their lives. They are capable of rejuvenating plants and the soil around them, and cannot leave the forest their tree is bound to. Dryads are extraordinarily understanding to 'casual' damage caused to a tree- for example bullets or claw marks, and will only become angry when someone is clearly attempting to cut the tree down. Changelings: Changelings are mischievous and annoying to deal with, but post an insignificant threat. They can change their shapes to imperfectly imitate different human beings, but a changeling's true form is always a humanoid, somewhat feminine form that appears to be made from water. They are tricksters extraordinaire however. Signs that a person may be a changeling includes irises that have abnormal colouration, a change in social graces and attitudes, and feminine facial/body structures on what should be a male.[/i] [/hider] [hider=CS] [center][h2][NAME][/h2][/center] [hr] [center][AGE (23-40)][CALLSIGN][GENDER][/center] [center][PIC (NO ANIME) OR WRITTEN DESCRIPTION][/center] [center]PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTIC (HEIGHT, WEIGHT)[/center] [hr] [hr] General Appearance: This includes tattoos, scars, birthmarks and so on, as well as any custom uniform elements. For nonstandard uniform, be sensible. A skull balaclava, or a bandanna is fine. Rainbow explosion clothing ain't. Psych Evaluation: Personality. What makes your trooper tick underneath the hood? History: How did your trooper end up working in New Hampshire of all places? What’s their family like? Got any partners? [/hider] [hider=Gear CS] [center][h2]ROLE[/h2][/center] [hr] [center][b]Loadout 1:[/b][/center] [center] Primary: Ammunition: Secondary: Ammunition: Gadget 1/Assault Specialist Equipment: Gadget 2: [/center] [center][b]Loadout 2:[/b][/center] [center] Primary: Ammunition: Secondary: Ammunition: Gadget 1/Assault Specialist Equipment: Gadget 2: [/center] (This can be continued for however many gear sets you want to have.) [/hider] [hider=Gear] Please do a little bit of research ladies and gents! S-SWAT Teams have most European and American made weaponry at their disposal, including the somewhat odd. Since the ACPD is not a general hotbed of crime, the absolute cutting edge of weaponry is not available to us, so conveniently, only weapons produced earlier than 2017 are within the armoury. Role: There are four main roles to fufill in the squad, and three subroles. These are as follows, in order of how they should breach a room. Assault- Breacher: Armed with shotguns, battering rams, axes, hammers, lockpicks or breaching charges, breachers are designed to remove obstacles in the way of a firing team. Most will use a backup assault rifle or submachine gun, although some will use fully-sized shotguns or underbarreled devices. Despite being the first in the stack up, breachers will ideally not be the first to enter, unless they are using the aforementioned fully-sized shotguns, or masterkeys. Pointman: Armed with pistols and little else, pointmen are the first into a room, be it from an unexpected angle, or through the front door. Their job is to neutralise threats as fast as possible, especially in tight spaces where an assault's larger gun may be an issue. Pointman- Stealth: The job of a stealth pointman is to eliminate targets without being seen or heard. Stealth pointmen usually have military training, and are vital to ensure that guards do not alert other hostiles within the AO. Shield: Armed with ballistic shield protection and pistols, shield troopers take bullets so their teammates don't have to. They are normally only seen in five-or-six man fire teams, however with the advent of S-SWAT teams, they have begun to become more common in four man teams instead of pointmen- their shields often allowing them to survive when faced with the superior reaction times some supernaturals have. Assault: Assault troopers are armed with assault rifles, carbines, PDWs and SMGs. They may have underbarrelled attachments, such as smoke launchers, and in a four man fire team, two are traditionally assault troopers. Assault- Squad Support: Carrying weaponry such as the M249 light machine guns, Heckler and Koch G36, or RPK74M, Squad support troopers are rarely seen unless in extraordinary circumstances. Their single job is to lay down suppressing or overwhelming fire as needed. Marksman: Armed with designated marksman rifles, a marksman's job is to eliminate targets from outside the AO, and potentially provide covering fire to a squad. Primary: (not available to pointmen): carbines, shotguns, PDW’s, SMG’s, assault rifles and the ballistic shields. Secondary: Pistols. Note that this includes revolvers. Specialist (Assault only): Masterkeys, underslung grenade launchers (high explosives are not permitted,) or something else! Equipment: Each mission, you will be able to take two from the below list. Specialist equipment that an assault uses counts as one piece of equipment. The Uniform: [img] http://forum.rebelscum.com/photogallery/data/2379/Hot_Toys_173.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=The Armoury] Wanted to know more about the gear? Here you go: Standard issue: What everyone carries S.T.A.K.E: Made from a silver-titanium alloy, the S.T.A.K.E (sometime affectionately referred to as the 'T-Bone,') is one of the few knives that can kill a werewolf, vampire, ghoul and gargoyle as easily as a human. That being said, as with all knives, the S.T.A.K.E is a last-resort personal defence weapon. S.T.A.K.E weapons are not always traditional bayonet knives- instead they are a blanket term for any anti-supernatural close combat weapon. Handcuffs: 4 standard issue handcuffs. This is always carried by troopers, and does not take up an equipment slot. Correct protocol when using handcuffs is to ensure the target is incapacitated first. Taser: 5 charges are carried. Sends two barbs carrying 50,000 volts into your target. Vampires will not be stopped, and lycanthropes and werewolves will take multiple shots before they are fully incapacitated. Golems, gargoyles and fae are also immune, as are dryads. Always carried by troopers, and they do not take up an equipment slot. SCU: Supernatural containment unit. Similar to a straightjacket, the SCU contains a high-explosive charge located around the heart area. They have a manual detonator, and will also go off should they be tampered with, or if the person within attempts to escape. Combined with kneecapping, highly effective to restrain vampires. UV flashlight and pulse grenade: Only taken on missions with a high likelihood of vampires being around. Burns their skin in short doses, crisps them if you can keep it on them for long enough. The grandes contain numerous volatile chemicals however, so be careful around hostages. Non-standard/optional: Dynamic entry equipment: Including the Ram, Thor, Hog, Piglet, Ding Dong, and more. Whilst individual equipment is down to personal preference, they all allow a trooper to get through an obstacle quickly and effectively. The Ram, Thor and Ding Dong all are blunt-force tools, whilst the Piglet and Hog have axeheads as well. Not recommended to be used against actual hostiles, as they are cumbersome and heavy- the hog being an exception. Stinger: The closest weapon that resembles a frag grenade available to S-SWAT teams. A less-than-lethal grande, it explodes, throwing out hundreds of small rubber balls. If it lands very close to someone, it is liable to kill them, so caution is advised around friendly forces. Breaching charge: A high explosive charge with adhesive provided. Place firmly against either the hinges or lock of a door, then clear the blast area and detonate. It is not recommended to use this tactic unless all other methods of breaching the door has failed, as it is extremely dangerous and loud. The advantages however cannot be underestimated- it instantly removes the obstacle, allows the detonating trooper to fire into the room immediately, and can kill hostile targets behind the door. Underbarrel attachment: Either a grenade launcher or underbarrel shotgun (known as the 'master' or 'skeleton' key.) Available grenades include tear gas, smoke, sponge, and buckshot. When using the former, clearance needs to be acquired first, and the squad needs to be equipped with gas masks. Bolt cutters: From the hardware store. Cut through chainlink, padlocks and most other minor obstacles. Flashbang: Nothing special. Three can be carried. Smoke grenade: Three can be carried, emit a thick, blue-black smoke. Spy camera: Small camera attached to a flexible optic cable. Slip it under the door in order to see what's on the other side. Shields: Threat Level I: 'Dumbell' The only shield that non-shield troopers can equip. Counts as assault specialist equipment. The Dumbell is ballistic glass shield that can be attached to the front of modified rifles in order to protect the head and neck. An alternate design protects the upper torso and is made out of metal, however it is incredibly heavy and reduces vision dramatically. Threat level III: ‘Take Point.’ A simple ballistic shield that offers maximum movement whilst protecting your vitals. Reliably stops pistol and SMG rounds, as well as lighter calibre rifle and shotgun rounds. Enough weight behind it to cause serious trauma. Threat level III: ‘Gunslinger.’ Specially designed for maximum protection whilst being as light as possible, the gunslinger provides less cover than the Take Point, but provides superior accuracy whilst firing a sidearm. Rifle and shotguns will punch straight through the shield and you’ll need some luck for anything more powerful than a .45. Threat level IV: ‘Bruiser.’ Full body protection, but won’t stop heavy rifle calibres, or sufficiently large buckshot rounds. Slugs will also penetrate, and using it means that the trooper is going to have issues aiming their sidearm. A laser sight is recommended. Threat level IV: 'Fire Exit.' Whilst not providing full body protection, the fire exit is more reinforced, allowing it to take more fire. Furthermore, the Fire Exit also has an inbuilt ladder, allowing it to be set up to reach unexpected areas to fire from. Threat level V: ‘Ironman.’ Full body protection, but cumbersome- weighing around 60 kilos. Reduces the trooper to slightly faster than a crawl. The Ironman is, however, capable of additional attachments. Ladders, 'legs' to allow for the shield to stand up without a trooper holding it, and firing holes are common. Threat level VI: ‘Hellfire.’ Extraordinarily heavy, but virtually impenetrable, the Hellfire is so named because supposedly only that can destroy one. Must be carried with two hands, however is also capable of additional attachments- rollers being the most common to allow a trooper to move and fire. According to troopers, is made from 'nokium,' or alternatively, 'vibranium.' 'Adamantium' is also common. Armour: Threat level I: ‘Bandit.’ Soft kevlar plating around the vitals. Fast and light for troopers to wear, it'll stop handguns and punches, but knives, claws, fangs, shotguns, rifles and everything else will punch straight through. Nevertheless, vastly superior to wearing no armour. Threat level II: ‘Trooper.’ Standard-issue S-SWAT armour. Soft Kevlar plates on the sides, ceramics on the back and front. Padding on the groin, neck and shoulders. Level III: ‘Assaulter.’ Effective and not compromisingly heavy. Ceramics all around, with an additional plate on the front and back. Soft Kevlar around the neck, shoulders and groin. Surprisingly quiet despite the ceramics. Level IV: ‘Raider.’ Heavy enough to effect a trooper's performance, but many would argue that the Raider is worth the hassle. Hard ceramics over the groin, soft Kevlar plating for the neck and shoulder, and an extra steel baseplating for the ceramics to go over. 60% chance of completely blocking a rifle calibre round, but even if it makes it through, the chances of it landing a killshot are minimal. Level VI: ‘Brimstone.’ Aptly named considering that it’s the hellfire of body armour. Incredibly heavy, but with two layers of steel plating, soft armour covering for the legs and arms, thicker ceramic plates on the chest, sides, back and groin and metal around the neck and shoulders. It is not only incredibly heavy and noisy, but highly effective. Ammunition types: Silver, Bronze, Hollow point, full metal jacket (NOTE- Not to be taken in areas where collateral damage is a risk,) .50 calibre. [/hider]