Sabine was less obstructed by emotion in answering. She nodded at first. She was hushed and gained momentum as she spoke on. "Hircine favours the hunter," she began. "The greater the quarry, the greater the risk to yourself, the greater your reward. Amongst lycans, not all worship Hircine but respect is given to those that hunt dangerous prey. In this war, my pack has hunted so much dangerous prey that the prestige lost its worth to us. But we had not killed a dragon before. Ahnasha will be impressed. She hunts for the sake of challenging herself." Sabine raised her face. A sobering thought made her lips relax into a frown. "I have never been the mightiest in my pack. It could be strange if I come back after slaying a dragon. I might look more powerful than I want people to think I am." She cast her eyes down. "Maybe you and Rhajul should take full credit for the kill instead."