[@Flightless_Soul] As Natalia opened her textbook on the page indicated by Ms. Maeda, she heard Harley's question. Turning her head towards the cowgirl, the blond-haired girl said in a low and sincere voice. "More of an ..." A genuinely concerned expression began to appear on her visage. "I said I was sorry before answering Ms. Maeda's question...I thought you heard me. She asked me a question and I answered." The petite girl paused for a moment before continuing with her reply. "I did my best to only focus on Ms. Maeda's observations...and I tried mentioning you as little as possible." Natalia could not believe Harley would think that she answered the question with the intention of embarrassing her more. Letting out a deep sigh, the blue-eyed girl proceeded. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, I did not do it on purpose. However, I won't apologize for expressing my thoughts with honesty and without any ill intention." The blonde-haired girl turned her gaze from Harley and placed it on her bag on the table. Pulling out her pencil case and a notebook, she got ready to take some notes about what the Chemistry teacher was explaining. [hr] "Thank you Mr. Felton", said Amelia as the teacher helped her support the weight of Samuel's body. "I don't know Mr. Felton", explained the braided-haired girl with a worried look on her face. "I came across him just a minute before you came."