[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]World Narrative[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr] *[color=ed1c24]EVERYONE PM me here or on Discord BEFORE you post! Cases, every round pm for rolls. These will be to check to see if your characters are seeing or feeling anything, as well as anything else that might be going on. You might just get a "Nothing, keep moving" from me or something much more. Will depend on LLA at the time.[/color] [b]Case Name:[/b] Funeral Home [b]Lead Reason:[/b] Getting embalming supplies [b]Secondary Reason:[/b] Maybe a casket [b]Recruiting:[/b] Nope [b]Time:[/b] 1-2 hours, depends (Will probably be 1-3 cases to complete.) [b]Group:[/b] Chloe, Ravi, Niesha, Riley [hider] Continue as you are. The main area seems clear. It is pretty clean, just some really old boot and shoe prints in the carpet. Probably from the last time this place was cleared. This place is large, has a lot of rooms, and multiple floors. Ravi will know the stuff you are looking for is probably in the basement - most mortuaries do their work down in a basement that has been refitted because of drainage. Another 7 days [/hider] [b]Case Name:[/b] Date Run [b]Lead Reason:[/b] Get Ash's Head Cleared [b]Secondary Reason:[/b] General Run [b]Recruiting:[/b] Depends if they run into anyone [b]Time:[/b] Rest of the Day most likely, could be longer - depends (Will most likely be 3-5 cases to complete) [b]Group:[/b] Ash, Thana [hider] Continue, get outside of the walls and go on your way. Time to see what the hell happens. You have another 7 days [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f26522]Gavin[/color], [color=fff79a]Ryan[/color], & [color=598527]Lola[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Meeting[/center][hr] Ryan looked over towards Beatrice slowly and shrugged a bit as he held his gun where it was. [color=fff79a]"Well that ain't Bridgette,"[/color] he said with a sureness in his voice. He had never really met Astrid that day but Bridgette had watched over him when he was in the cell in the main building for a bit when he first showed up. He'd know Bridgette's face anywhere, dead or alive. When James and Thalia spoke together, he was confirmed that it was the other Viking woman, Astrid. As Thalia spoke his eyes went to James. [color=fff79a]'Fuck if I'm lowerin' this,"[/color] he stated flatly as he kept his toothpick held between his teeth. He wasn't pulling the trigger, figuring someone closer could take the woman out but if she was going to draw a weapon he didn't trust her not to try something. Lola gawked a bit. [color=598527]"Well flipping fuck. Where the fuck did that come from? Jet... you got this?"[/color] she asked as she stood there, her hand falling to her side and her fingers wrapping around the hilt of her knife. Seemed Thalia knew the woman, seemed Spotted Dick did too. Gavin pulled back his eye from the scope when he started seeing people reacting to something. Looking in the direction he grunted. [color=f26522]"Why's things gotta piss in my grits?"[/color] he muttered. Looking back in his scope he redirected his aim and put the walking Viking woman in his crosshairs. Looking back up from his scope he spotted Ryan looking in his general direction and shaking his head no. [color=f26522]"Irish better know what hes fucking doing...."[/color] he muttered as he kept the weapon aimed where it was but kept an eye out on the group in general. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/15538670_1799587316995431_8758437261512540160_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNzYyMDA2MzI5Njc1NzI0MA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Newnan's House (Building F)[/center][hr] Tatiana gave Jack a bit of a thumb's up between the vomiting spurts but she couldn't bring herself to say anything. It wasn't that she didn't want to speak or that she was holding anything back. It was just that the throwing up was leaving her gasping for breath and by the time she caught her breath to try talk she was leaning over the toilet again and throwing up once more. Everything she had eaten the day before was gone and at this point she was just dry heaving uncontrollably. When Jack asked if he should get someone from medical she was at least able to shake her head no in answer before another wave of upchuckery hit her. It was a bit before she finally fell back from her kneeled position and against the wall of the bathroom, her feet sprawling out in front of her as she reached up and grabbed a hand towel that was hanging from the wall to wipe her mouth and nose. She was broken out in a cold sweat, face flushed, taking deep long breaths to try to calm herself and keep from going through it all over again. [color=a187be]"гребаный ад,"[/color] she muttered under her breath. It wasn't exactly something she had taught Jack yet. Tatiana wasn't one to curse a lot but when she did, it was normally in Russian. So even if he didn't know what she said, he would know at least it was a curse word or phase. Looking slowly over to him she forced a smile. [color=a187be]"Do not vorry. Morning sickness. It normal."[/color] Even though she was still gasping for breath a bit, her voice was kind and reassuring as she spoke. She grimaced a bit before pointing up at the sink. [color=a187be]"Please, vater in cup, toothbrush, toothpaste.... ugh..."[/color] she managed to get out. She wanted to get the bile taste out of her mouth and off her teeth as quickly as possible but she wasn't about to stand up and try to get it herself. She was half afraid if she stood up she would get dizzy and it would start all over again. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=steelblue]Ash[/color] & [color=0072bc]Thana[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/C1PwffdEpkd8I/giphy.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Building [b]A[/b] (Ash's House) -> Hoardbuster [/center][hr] Thana skipped down the steps a bit as they headed for the armory, letting Ash take the lead since she really hadn't been given the full tour as of yet. She shrugged lightly at the question. [color=0072bc]"Fair enough shot."[/color] [color=f6989d]"Yeah, nutin' likes yer sis though ares ya?"[/color] Shaking off the comment in her mind she looked over to Ash patted her side arm. [color=0072bc]"I prefer my Beretta. If you have some general 9mm, I should be fine. Not really looking forward to using any weapon I haven't had a chance to clean and check myself,"[/color] she said before directing her eyes forward as they walked. [color=steelblue]"I respect that."[/color] responded Ash. [color=steelblue]"We're a little low on ammunition, but we should be okay on 9 mil NATO."[/color] To say that they were "a little low" was an exaggeration; 9mm ammunition represented the only really reliable source of ammo they had left, with shotgun shells in the running at second. [color=steelblue]"I have been considering switching my main sidearm to a Nine for some time, myself. But I think I'm the only person who uses a .45 pistol in Newnan. Probably better off."[/color] [color=0072bc]"Most likely,"[/color] Thana said in agreement. If he was the only one, it probably was better if he stuck with what he had. As they crossed into the parking lot of the bank that Newnan was using as their principal armory, Ash mentioned, [color=steelblue]"I believe you've been here before. We shouldn't be but a minute."[/color] [color=0072bc]"I believe you are wrong."[/color] Thana quirked a brow. She hadn't been to the armory at all yet. When she arrived she had been ushered straight into Ash's home. From there it was meeting the town, back inside, the wedding, reception, back inside, exiling James, back inside, agriculture, green house, back to the scene of the crime, medical garden, back to agriculture, and then once again back inside Ash's house. They had kept her moving so much she had barely had five bites of food since she arrived. The armory hadn't once showed up on that list. [color=0072bc]"If it hasn't had to do with home, the wedding, or growing things I have yet to be privy to it. So that is most of the town I would suspect."[/color] He glanced back at Thana as he spoke, slowing his pace for a moment. The idea of disappearing with her for a few hours, doing something productive (and possibly a few things that weren't) outside of Newnan stood out as one of the better ideas he had agreed to in a long while. The satisfied look on his face may have given him away. Motioning to the Armory doors, he optimistically remarked, [color=steelblue]"After you, ma'am."[/color] Nodding slightly Thana headed into the armory and glanced around. Jim looking up from his clip board as he was double checking to make sure everything had been written down and accounted for. "Oh hey Thana, Boss," he said in passing before making a few quick notes and setting the clip board back down. "You two heading out as well?" he asked as he leaned against the counter. Thana perked a brow, who else was heading out? There had been no announcement. Ash noticed this as well. Generally, he preferred to know where his people were and when they were going on a run. Beside it being common courtesy, a supply or exploratory run generally required some discussion beforehand, a general time table, etc., not to mention approval from a Lead who got approval from himself. [color=steelblue]"Morning, Jim."[/color] he started. The words were generally positive, but the tone was authoritative and direct. [color=steelblue]"We're going to need full, spare clips for a Beretta 9 and a .45 ACP Detonix. Also, I'd like my bow and a full case of arrows. While you're on that, please fill me in on this unauthorized "Away Mission", if you'd be as kind."[/color] He turned to Thana, nonchalantly asking, [color=steelblue]"Did I miss anything?"[/color] Thana shook her head but kept her mouth shut as Jim shook his head as well. "Nothing Unauthorized Cap. Doc approved it. Froggy is wanting to hold a funeral for Miss Sally. Chloe, Niesha, that new kid Ravi, and Riley are heading to the funeral home just two blocks north to get embalming stuff," he explained. It was odd having Ash assume anyone was doing anything unauthorized in the place. Everything was run past the man that needed to be and anything that wasn't discussed with him right off the bat was approved by another Lead before hand. In general, no one had to ask permission to leave Newnan, it was open about that. "Did something change to where we need to clear anyone leaving the gates with you first?" he asked, a bit confused. The head shaking continued down the line with Ash, adding his own neck-propelled horizontal face wagging to the room. [color=steelblue]"Yeah... I must be distracted today."[/color] Amongst other things. [color=steelblue]"Of course, Doc's got this. Good idea, too. Hell, I wish I'd thought of it first... Thinking on it though, I wouldn't mind getting a more organized sign out sheet together. But for now, if you would please, Ms. Martin needs some ammo, and I need to get at my box."[/color] "Sure thing boss," Jim said quickly and went to getting everything together that Ash had listed out. "And don't worry about it. Think everyone is a bit distracted after what all's gone down today. Hell I might go out a bit later once people get back. Would do good to clear my head," he commented as he continued. Thana glanced over to Ash for a moment before stepping away and checking out the armory a bit while she had the chance. She hadn't been in the building before and it was nice to see such a stock pile. Ash said they were low on some things but looking around it was better outfitted than anywhere she had been since she had left the base near Savannah. A light touch grazed the back of Ash's neck and a warm breath filled his ear. A wafting of hot sauce coming with the words that were spoken. [color=ed145b]"Outside the walls, inside the walls. Just determined to bang the ranks right out of that chica as much as possble aren't ya?"[/color] Startled, almost unbidden, Ash slapped a hand to his neck. His eyes went wide and an involuntary grunt escaped him. Staying as still as possible, he darted his eyes around to see if anyone noticed his little transgression. [color=steelblue]"...mosquitoes are early..."[/color] he mumbled, trying like hell to remain casual. He was usually good at it, too. This was a new experience for him, though. [color=steelblue][i]Tactile sensation, Captain. The situation is escalating. This is an excellent time to reflect on what you know is true. You don't believe in ghosts. You put down her corpse yourself. Either you're really going mad this time, or there's something else happening.[/i][/color] Jim brought over what he had gathered and set it down on the counter. He hadn't noticed what was going and thankfully neither had Thana it seemed. She was looking at various small arms on the walls which included a couple that were very familiar. Picking them up she examined them and found on the grip two sets of letters letters... Z.M. & M.M. Taking them both she went over to the counter and laid them down. They were two Para-Ordnance pistols, .45 cal. [color=0072bc]"I'm keeping these,"[/color] she said. It wasn't a request and her voice was firm. Looking over to Jim as he quirked a brow. [color=0072bc]"They were my fathers."[/color] That revelation earned her an eyebrow raise from Ash. He had no reason to think that she was lying. Point of fact, if those pistols were once in Zoie's possession, that would absolutely make sense. And if this new, albeit tiny piece of drama get his mind off of the increasing difficulties with his questionable sanity, all the better. [color=steelblue]"You're going to need some ACP ammunition for those, then, Thana."[/color] He turned his attention over to Jim, saying, [color=steelblue]"She's going to need some holsters, too."[/color] He gave Thana a sober nod, and moved to retrieve his bow and a full case of good, straight arrows. [color=steelblue]"Thank you, Jim. You're a hell of a guy."[/color] Jim nodded and gave Thana an understanding smile. "Right thing boss," he said to Ash before going and grabbing what was needed and handing it over to Thana. She took the holsters and ammo, loading the clips up quickly and with an ease that showed she familiarity with the two guns. [color=0072bc]"First gun I ever fired,"[/color] she said pointing to a scratch on the barrel of one that was rather deep. Shrugging she slipped it and then the other into the holsters. She wasn't used to being this armed but it didn't bother her. There was a bit of a calmness that took over her features and a bit of a surreal smile that came to her lips as her fingers ran over the edge of the grips. Letting out a short sigh she let the expression fall and trip down memory lane to exit her mind before turning her attention back to Ash. [color=0072bc]"Ready when you are sir,"[/color] she said before turning and stepping out of the armory. Jim watched Thana leave before looking over to Ash. "That seems to be one hell of a woman if you don't mind me saying boss," he said with a grin. [color=steelblue]"That she is, Jim."[/color] replied Ash. His voice was agreeable, even despite his trademark stoicism. He gave the barest hint of a smile from one side of his mouth, turned, and followed Thana back out of the armory. [color=steelblue]"Alright, Ma'am, next stop: The Hordebuster."[/color] Accessing Ash's frightening personal conveyance required a little bit more of a walk. Two blocks up and two over, between the inner and outer wall. [color=steelblue]"We keep a number of vehicles on premises for longer runs in our Motor Pool, but gasoline is notably scarce."[/color] he explained as he neared the nearest gate on the Inner Wall. [color=steelblue]"We keep a stash on hand, and like ammo it is a priority on runs."[/color] As they rounded the block, the sight of the collection of serviceable vehicles started to become apparent on a gravel parking lot, behind a low chainlink fence. Towering over most of them sat a thing that was better suited to a no-holds-barred redneck demolition derby, piloted by a drunken train engineer. Ash could be seen beaming at the prospect of getting behind the wheel of it again. [color=steelblue]"There she is. Hop on in, I'll give you the nickel tour."[/color] [color=0072bc]"It's like a monster truck had sex with a dump truck and was ramrodded by a snow plow and this was their baby...."[/color] Thana commented in passing. She was even toned as she spoke, there wasn't any harshness to her tone. A slight smirk though did come to her lips before she walked over to the passenger side and literally climbed into the vehicle. Taking a seat she glanced around as she stowed her bag on the floor board between her feet. There was the feel of a curling hand on Ash's shoulder. [color=ed145b]"Puta better watch her mouth talking about Bessie like that."[/color] Ash could actually feel the pressure of her fingers on his coat. This was not good. Not good at all. Then he mentally righted himself. Time to cover. [color=steelblue]"Yeah, she's not much to look at. This old girl saved a family business from back Before, and then a distillery full of people After. You've seen a few of them around town. Just listen for a Virginian accent."[/color] He tossed his own pack into the 'Buster and hauled himself up, settling into the driver's seat with no small amount of satisfaction. The engine growled to life as Ash hit the ignition, then settled into a respectable hum. [color=steelblue]"Alright, let's get this show on the road. Oh, gun please?"[/color] Thana glanced over to Ash and raised a brow. [color=0072bc]"Have you heard or seen anything else since you handed it over?"[/color] she asked flatly. He had entrusted her with his weapon of choice for a reason, she wasn't just about to hand it over because they were leaving the so called safety of the walls. He had a knife, he had a bow, they were in a large vehicle that he was going to be driving with her in the navigator position and more than fully armed. It would take more than a simple request for her to hand it back over. [color=steelblue]"I have,"[/color] he admitted, speaking slowly and sizing up his passenger. [color=steelblue]"Understand, there is the definite possibility of unfriendlies out there. If a situation breaks out, be fast about tossing it over. Okay?"[/color] Ash gave over a small smile, followed by a nod. Thana was looking out for him. Probably herself, too. A guy with questionable grip on reality might want to keep his personal armament to a minimum. Out there, priorities may be different. [color=steelblue]"Ready?"[/color] [color=0072bc]"Not yet,"[/color] Thana said as she sat there. Looking at the space between the bucket seats she turned her legs and moved, rather quickly. It wasn't but half a heart beat that she had turned and planted herself side sitting in Ashs lap with her hand resting along the side of his neck. The rest of the heart beat was spent pulling him in as she pressed her lips to his and planted a kiss on him passionate enough to launch a thousand ships. The suddenness of it surprised Ash, who gave a millisecond's worth of surprise-motivated resistance before relaxing and letting it simply be. His arms found their way around Thana's waist, one sliding up the fabric of her top along her back, holding her fast to him. This was real. The touch and scent of her, the instantaneous need that coursed through him. This was no hallucination, and if it had to, this moment would save him from a multitude of artificial sounds and sensations as an anchor holding him to a reality he desperately wanted to stay in. He answered her kiss in turn, yearning translating to urgency in less than a second. Slowly Thana pulled away from the kiss and smiled towards Ash. [color=0072bc]"Thank you,"[/color] she said softly, her hand coming from his cheek and dropping to one of the newly acquired sidearms. It was a simple thank you that she didn't explain but her face spoke volumes. Slipping out of his lap she got back into her seat and fixed her hat before smirking a bit. [color=0072bc]"Now I'm ready to go sir."[/color]