Yavanna managed to duck out of the way, as Kili kicked his leg in her direction "Shhh...shh...it's okay...it's going to be okay." she soothed, as she stroked his arm "Fili, try and hold him down...this isn't helping him." she told his elder brother. Kili needed to lay still, or all the lashing out; would just make the poison flow bit faster. Yavanna looked through the cupboard, seeing a few clothes...she dipped one in cold water and gently brushed it over Kili's forehead...to try and bring down the fever. Listening to the medicine Bard had...Yavanna shook her head "That's all too weak, and wouldn't get rid of the poison in his system." she muttered. "Kingsfoil has healing properties..and is used in Elvish medicine.." she informed Bard as he said he was feeding it to the pigs. Yavanna looked at Oin. "There's a few things, but if I don't have Kingsfoil or Athelas..it won't work." she told him honestly; sadness in her eyes. For the spells she had in mind, the plant was required. Just then, Yavanna thought she heard a noise. But it was probably just something outside. She tried to shake it off. Kili lashed out again and managed to kick her. Yavanna coughed as she didn't move out of the way in-time...as his foot got in her the chest. "Kili...it's okay, we're just trying to help you." she soothed him. Yavanna tried to get her breath back. She felt uneasy all of a sudden..and looked back at the door. Trying to shake off the bad feeling. But the doors burst open; Yavanna gasped as something grabbed her from behind; trying to choke her. She gasped...feeling strong, brutal Orcish arms around her throat. The Princess struggled...trying to reach for her dagger. As the Orc had managed to pin her arms behind her back. A few more orcs had piled into the house, going to attack the feeble Kili. Kili managed to kick one, but groaned falling off the table, as he did so.