Mayday downed it like it was a gag-worthy cherry cough syrup instead of an opulently expensive luxury, but Canvas would pick his battles. Not a wince from Riza, though. The man, Canvas noted, had clearly used Enrichment Credits on buying out the small amount of mediocre state wine Liberty produced. That, or he had tried something stronger on the black market. Canvas wasn't judging. Canvas quirked a smile at Beretta's remarks. [color=coral]"All options, Agent Beretta. But what you've all just had is a liqueur. There are other kinds - Schnapps, Curacao, amaretto, bitters, and puckers - but what you've just had is a liqueur trademarked as simply Félicité. If you feel a bit giddy right off the bat, it's supposed to do that. And you had it first because learning is much easier when you're [i]so excited[/i] for the rest of the lesson." [/color] He half-sat against the desk at the front and added off-handedly, [color=coral]"And because it's very good, and you might be too drunk to enjoy it if we save it for after the shots."[/color] He saw, on occasion, something dangerous: too strong a flame of curiosity in Beretta when it came to Erubescan finery, and Heather was in the room, so Canvas sobered up his expression (no pun intended) and responded to her final question with, [color=coral]"A proper Libertian probably ought not to categorize such frivolities into favorites, and instead understand that one shouldn't get too attached to a particular form of waste."[/color] After an appropriate pause, he smiled again. [color=coral]"But Erubescan Knight Canvas Shearwater is a sucker for a classic champagne at a fancy party, amaretto after dinner, and a Manhattan at the bar with his friends."[/color] Canvas hopped up and beckoned the group over to the long desk on which he had been sitting. Several standard issue black Liberty handguns lay neatly disassembled in basic sections - one for each Agent. [color=coral] "How are you all feeling so far?" [/color] asked Canvas, picking up a tablet with a spreadsheet and multiple digital timers displayed. [color=coral] "I have your average assembly times listed here. Let's see how you compare now. Begin when you're ready." [/color]