[@Vesuvius00] Loki snorted and rolled his eyes. [color=pink]"Next you're going to be shaking your fist and calling kids punks or something. Careful at this rate you'll need a walker in no time"[/color] He shook his head and gave a mocking mourning face. [color=pink]"Its so sad really"[/color] Sass complete he moved around Jay and plopped onto the patio steps. [color=pink]"Dunno"[/color] Loki then developed the all too familiar idea face that usually had many an individual get prepared for something obnoxious. [color=pink]"Oh I know I will start with trying something out"[/color] He quickly stood and a [i]shink[/i] noise was heard as his finger nails were replaced with cat like claws on his right hand. He made his way to Jay's front door and started to try to lock pick it.