[h3][color=C58917][center][b]Fuyuto Yeon Kato[/b][/center][/color][/h3] The young man sighed as his breath showed in the air. A smile creeping across his face as his eyes shifted to blue. The guy placed the familiar winter coat on, just as his annoying 6 year old ‘sister’ walked into his room, without even knocking. [color=C58917][i]” Why must you come inside my room every single day? Am I just something to entertain you? Am I just something for you to torture?”[/i][/color] The boy thought to himself as he fastened the coat up. His eyes flickered towards the girl, as if deciding on what exactly to do, before she leaned for his mask. [color=C58917]”Don’t touch that Emily. I keep telling you to stay out of my fucking room. If you keep entering then I’ll have no choice to but to freeze your ass. I might just flood your room with snow again as well.”[/color] The young man remarked as his hand shifted for the object. “You wouldn’t. Mommy knows you were the one who did it.” [color=C58917]”No she doesn’t. She doesn’t know what I can do. Now stay out of my goddamn hair.”[/color] Fuyuto said as he finished dressing. The guy glanced at her as if daring her to touch his things. The cold touched his chest. Bad choice. Instantly the child was frozen to the object. [color=C58917]”Don’t ever come in here again.”[/color] The guy remarked walking out. [hr] [h3][color=C19A6B][center][b]Eriko Eun Saka[/b][/center][/color][/h3] A few feet closer towards the tree and a distinct feeling of something wrong filled Eriko’s senses. There didn’t seem to be anyone around the place yet something didn’t quite feel right. If felt unworthy for just Eriko, the mortal to attack the tree, and not Moonshadow to take advantage of these weaklings. Not adding that last time they had some sort of defense. So how would you make them bow to someone much more powerful? Slowly his figure walked backwards for a few steps and then forwards. [color=C19A6B][i]”So what would make them think about switching sides and bowing to me?”[/i][/color] He thought to himself. A few more seconds passed with the boy just standing in one place before grumbling. One case he could say he needed to speak to his cousin about something important. Hence the rushing over here. Second case would be that the young man wanted to change sides as the chaotic alliance’s hired newly hired assassin walked to the hideout. Man was getting that girl’s help harder than it seemed. [color=C19A6B]”Hey Kato I need to speak to you, Tori, and Yuto.”[/color] [hr] [h3][color=7E3517][center][b]Keri Aine Miyeta[/b][/center][/color][/h3] Slowly she continued to walk towards her broken down home. It wouldn’t be long before the government come to take her away from here. There was so many things unfinished in this town and so little time to finish the work that was slowly turning. The young woman shook her head as she turned the door handle. No surprise that the door was locked considering both of them were supposed to be at work. The girl turned her figure to the left and walked toward the back of the house. Her hands pretending to be an airplane as she walked to the right most window. A few shifts of the boarding made the lock come undone. Thank god for crappy locks. The child lifted the window and crawled inside, making sure to shut the window, and walked up the creaking stairs. Her figure couldn’t get her costume on fast enough making every trouble seem to disappear. She placed knives on the bottom part of the pant loops, the guns on the top parts, making the voice changer the very last thing to be pressed. Keri forced the hood down farther in order to hide her eyes. Perfect. Slowly the young woman walked towards Henri’s house just as promised. After all. A contract was a contract.