[@Vesuvius00] Loki seemed more then pleased with himself as the door opened. [color=pink]"Kick ass. I could totally be a thief now if i wanted to."[/color] He moved inside to inspect the lock with Jay for a moment. [color=pink]"You know I might have to practice this a bit....how often do you get locked out again?"[/color] That familiar obnoxious expression was etched onto his face before he turned and looked around the house. [color=pink]"So...you got any root beer?"[/color] His form moved about as he explored, clearly taking his time to enjoy the fact that he picked a door lock with claws. Granted he was not planning on breaking in [i]that[/i] often, but this new found skill would totally come in handy. [color=pink]"Oh and what should we do now? I mean I'm not on your lawn anymore so you can't shake your fist and yell out insults at me now."[/color]