[@BlackPanther] Jay sighed. [b]"Way too often... so long as you don't break the lock I'm perfectly fine with you trying to pick it all the time."[/b] He closed the door once he was sure it was fine, turning and walking into the kitchen and pulling a bag of chips out of a cabinet. [b]"Root beer's in the fridge, I think."[/b] He moved to the frigde, checked, and sighed as he closed the door. [b]"Nope. Just a sec."[/b] He disappeared through a door off the Kitchen, and came back a moment later with two glass bottles of root beer, handing one to the older kid. [b]"I have work to do, kinda. I'm going upstairs to begin monitoring the town. You can hang out here until my dad gets home but then I gotta ask if you can stay longer."[/b] He opened his rootbeer with a bottle opener that was magneted to the fridge, and offered the tool to Loki before moving back into the living room and climbing the stairs.