[@Vesuvius00] Loki nodded. [color=pink]"Okay cool. I mean I was probably gonna pick it anyway but good to know you're cool with it"[/color] He proceeded to lean against a wall while he watched Jay move around. As soon as he was handed a root beer and a bottle opener he popped the cap off and took a swig of it. [color=pink]"Man I love root beer."[/color] He then paused and tilted his head. [color=pink]"What are you emulating batman now."[/color] Loki cleared his throat and gave a rather poor batman impression. [color=pink]"I am the night!"[/color] Behind his sunglasses his eyes rolled and he took another swig. [color=pink]"Well I got nothing else going on...two sets of eyes work better then one"[/color] He shrugged and motioned for Jay to lead the way. The longer he could stay out of the house boat the better...all those colors constantly made him not feel the best. [color=pink]"I am not being robin though okay bat boy"[/color]