Woooo! Ok, so sorry about how long it took to get that update out, everyone! So many things are happening in life right now that it's insane. So now the Wards and the Jacks have met up with one another, here's how this will go down. Go ahead and get involved and have yourselves a good old fashioned superhero brawl. If there are any disputes as to how something should go, any arguments to be had, etc., then I'll give my personal opinion and that is the final ruling. The Wards can make use of the three PRT troopers as extensions of their own characters, but occasionally I may throw a post of my own in there to direct or control additional details, so be on the watch for that. I would prefer that the Jacks be able to escape with their target obtained (though certainly not without taking some lumps), but I can improvise with any other end result. Last but certainly not least, please don't leave everyone else in the dust by having 2 or 3 of you posting repeatedly. Everyone should have a fair shot at being able to act and affect the battle. Have fun, and let's rock!