[hr][center] [h3][color=PaleGreen]Princess Elaisse Hardin of Sliabh[/color][/h3] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/236x/db/6a/46/db6a46c9a0a88079332078ad7a19e0a7--anna-popplewell-lily-lily.jpg [/img] [color=PaleGreen][b]Location;[/b][/color] Abhainn Ballroom [color=PaleGreen][b]Interacting With;[/b][/color] Lady Julianna {[@HushedWhispers]}, Prince Jaxton {[@Polaris North]}, Lady Amaranthea {[@WolfLover]}[/center][hr] While Elaisse was happy to get away from the introductions outside and to some much needed time for herself, she still felt a certain amount of nerves. The room she had been given was nice, of course, as befitting of one of her status. But it was still a new and unknown place. It had been but a day and she already missed Sliabh, with her room filled with books and sketches strewn everywhere (much to her mother and maids dismay). Not to mention the party coming up. It would be more tolerable, at least, and she was sure she’d find an excuse to retire early. But it wasn’t something she looked forward to. Still, she allowed a handmaiden to help her change into a more appropriate dress when the time came. She was just glad to be going with her family rather than alone. Jaxton would be there with her. Some of her fear was lost at the fireworks, her eyes widening and a slight gasp escaping her lips. They were so beautiful! She could not remember the last time that she had seen this kind of thing. They were rare, after all. She only wished that she’d been able to capture them on paper. [color=PaleGreen][b]“Ah, thank you,”[/b][/color] Ela smiled as she accepted the juice Jaxton handed to her. She was glad he was staying with her – there were so many people around that she knew she wouldn’t be able to handle it herself. And hopefully he would be able to take brunt of any conversation that came their way. She looked a bit confused when their aunt called both of them over, but followed Jaxton over when he made it obvious she should go to. [color=PaleGreen][b]“Oh no… I hope that mother is less harsh on us if she’s drunk,”[/b][/color] Ela couldn’t help but laugh quietly at the state their mother was already in. [color=PaleGreen][b]“Though maybe she’ll just be more honest…”[/b][/color] Either way it didn’t mean she would act in a way her mother wouldn’t approve of. Ela smiled at her Aunt, listening quietly while fiddling with a loose strand of hair. She was certainly as beautiful as Jaxton said – the dress just enhanced what she was normally like, anyway. The thought of going to the gardens was a nice one. It was better than hiding in the room given to her or being forced into something social by her mother, as she was sure would happen. [color=PaleGreen][b]“I like the sound of it,”[/b][/color] Ela responded softly. [color=PaleGreen][b]“I want to see Abhainn too. I’m sure there will be many new things for me to sketch!”[/b][/color] If she brought her sketchbook out she’d be able to spend the time quietly, not necessarily socialising if she didn’t want to. And she knew her brother well enough that he would probably not go if she didn’t. She didn’t want to be the reason he didn’t go and enjoy himself. [color=PaleGreen][b]“Hopefully our parents won’t get too angry when we do.”[/b][/color] As she added her last thought Ela noticed Amaranthea making her way over to the three of them. She gave the Lady in Waiting a slightly wave, nervous but friendly. It would be fine if she joined their conversation – though any more people and Ela wouldn’t be comfortable with it.