The sound of his voice, was enough to make her blush. It sounded more softer, caring almost. Watching him leave, Yavanna couldn't help but feel worried. She worried, about what he was about to step into. Especially with Bolg, around the area. Tauriel saw the look in Yavanna's eyes, before she followed Legolas; in pursuit of the other Orcs. The red haired she-elf could tell, there was something between them. A connection of sorts. As much as Yavanna wanted to follow their footsteps, due to her worries. She felt a duty, lying here...with her friends..her family. Kili needed help. But her mind was still filled with thoughts of the Young Prince. She rushed over towards Kili's side and she helped hold him down gently. "It should do..Kingsfoil is a strong, medicine." she said softly...having hope, that there was still time. Kili stopped squirming as he was being held down. As Saeril chanted the spell..his eyes were slightly wide...but the pain seemed to be leaving him. Yavanna watched as Saeril began to heal, the young Dwarf. And she could feel it working..the color was slightly, returning to Kili's face...but he would still need recovery time, after all of this. [hr] [i]Meanwhile,[/i] The company had already made it to the other side. They were now trecking through the Mountain. They had came to the cliffs, that overlooked the City of Dale. Bilbo looked down at the scene before him "What is this place?" he asked. "This was the great, city of Dale." Thorin spoke, as he glanced down at the one mighty city. All in ruins. "Now it's all ruins...the Desolation of Smaug." Balin said with a sigh. Bilbo thought about it for a few moments "Is this, the look out place? Gandalf..." He trailed off, as Thorin soon cut in. "Do you see the Wizard? He's not here." Thorin told Bilbo "We don't have time to wait, we must go."