[b]Name:[/b] Tesar Raine [b]Species:[/b] Barabel [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Image] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/f4ba/f/2012/011/2/0/barabel_by_wraithdt-d4lzwuj.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Faction:[/b]New Republic [b]Equipment:[/b] A180 Blaster Rifle, [b]Skills:[/b] Hunting/Tracking, Close Range Combat, infiltration [b]Species benefits:[/b] Razor Sharp Claws, detatchable tail, infrared vision, strong sense of smell, blaster resistant hide, slightly above average strength/agility. [b]Species Flaws:[/b] Relatively primative, as far as sentients go. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Doesn't understand much sentient behaviour, more primative than other species, lack of any real blaster training, can't read or write, can't use technology. [b]History:[/b] Tesar joined the Rebellion after a Drunk Dug with a Gambling Problem sold out his clan on Barab to the Empire. The Empire came in with a goal to enslave the clan, after all Barabels are strong and fierece while also good trackers. Little more than literal animals in the eyes of the Empire his entire clan was enslaved, and it wasn't until Rancor Company came tearing through the prison he was being held in that he managed to once again taste freedom. With useful skills, and a debt to play Tesar signed up to serve along as a couple of his nest mates in order to repay the debt to the Rebellion. While initially unwilling to let them serve out their debt, the Rebellion finally conceded when they finally figured out that there was no real way out of the situation. For a while Tesar and his nest mates worked together in their own team, however as time progressed and the Rebellion took major set backs as well as Rancor Company. Eventually Rancor Company would become Task Force Rancor as the Rebellion re-configured itself and built itself even bigger, at which point Tesar was moved into Detatchment Alpha. He distinguished himnself time and time again as an incredible tracker and hunter, however was largely isolated from the rest of his team due to his primative nature and inability to understand standard social situations. However as time went on eventually he came into a squad that understood him and how he worked, where he was finally happy. When his unit was sent into Hutt Space to play the part of Mercenaries well... how could Tesar resist?