All the rumbling and talking, had woken Kili up. He looked confused, a little tired and dazed. But his leg was healing up, even if he was slow on his leg. He could walk. "What's going on?" he asked sleepily, as Fili fussed over him. "I am fine brother...let me walk on my own." he told his brother. Yavanna looked at Kili; hearing his words. "Smaug has been awakened...we must go." she said softly, As she helped him out of the house; towards the boat Oin had found for them. She looked at Bain, before she exited the house. "You cannot stay's not safe." she said softly. As they were all finally ushered into the boat. Yavanna had wrapped an arm around Tilda...whom seemed scared. Kili had limped towards the boat; sitting down besides his brother. Once they were squeezed in. Looking towards Lake town..Yavanna could see the fire in the distance. People began to scream, as houses were lit on fire.