Smaug's fire lit up the opposite side of Laketown. The heat from the flames could be felt even from where they were, and panicked shouts and cries of the people were heard both near and far. Fili caught sight of Smaug, though only briefly. Hearing about the mighty dragon was one thing, seeing him was another. Bofur shook his head in disbelief, offering Fili and the others help to maneuver the boat through the water. At this rate, there would be no town to return to. As the Master tried to escape town with his treasure, the rope that Bard set down out his cell window, got tangled with him, allowing him to break away the prison cell wall. As soon as the bargeman escapes, he found the hidden Black Arrow, before making his way towards the windlance. "Stay down", Saeril murmured softly to Sigrid and Tilda as the boat passed under the foundations of another house, the buildings around them crumbling and burning as they floated down the lake. The fire blared around the town, surrounding it as Bard climbed to the launching mechanism.