[i]..Os Anjo's?[/i] Aro rolled the name around in her mind. It sounded familiar. And dangerous. She couldn't remember for the life of her, but she knew that this man was bad news. Aro hugged the cat, whom she dubbed Charles, closer to her chest in case it sensed her discomfort and tried to bolt. That was something Aro should do. Get out of here. Her night was going fine until she met this woman. Either that or it was the cat, but she always thought bad luck coming from black colored cats was silly. Maybe it was silly of her to blame it on the woman. It sounded like she was eager to help Aro, this man, on the other hand, seemed to have something up his sleeve. Maybe it was a knife, maybe a trick, maybe it was just his arm. There was something there for it, and Aro wasn't ready for it. Aro wasn't sure she should admit to the stranger that she was lost. They might take advantage of it. Then again, now that she thought about it, she shouldn't have even talked to the girl. Both of them could easily be killers, it didn't matter if one of them felt less dangerous than the other. She put herself in prime position to run. She suddenly felt like she was in danger. She had to go. Although, like a dog, you couldn't run from a man. They'd pursue, and most likely attack. Instead, she went for the next option. The option to make it seem like she wasn't a threat. If they made a move, she'd slash and dash. "I was, uh, looking for a pair of scissors. Although, I can't quite seem to find my way around. Do you, uh, know where I could maybe find some?" [@Enalais][@Kaesus]