[center][b]Tesar[/b][/center] Tesars commlink clicked as he prowled around the exterior zone of the 'secured' site. Rane was in with the Sarge having delivered the prisoner to his position, a prisoner that had then been released. Tesar flinched as he heard the commlink click, he had forgotten that he was wearing it. Too focused on the hunt. He tapped the activation button with one of his claws. "Go ahead." The communication came in, orders had changed and that meant that his deployment had changed. Tesar was required to go offworld. "Thiz is Tesar. I am on my way Sirz." With that he tapped his commlink and turned back around in a half sprint back towards the Ark. Upon arrival he climbed in and sat in a seat without so much as a word to anyone else. Tesar wasn't a social creature, he spoke when spoken too or when he felt there was something that needed to be said. He sissed to himself thinking of his take down of the hatchling earlier, it had been textbook and hilarious that the child thought he could have challenged him. The rookie of the team gave Tesar a sideglance that he ignored, fo rnow. He wasn't offended yet. [hr] [center][b]CIRCUMTORE[/b][/center] As the Trio approached the hangar in question an older Action IV Transport flew in overhead, the air around them filling with the thrumming of its engines as it came in low. Several people milling around the streets looked up in a mix of surprise and disgust, afte rall whoever was doing this was disturbing the peace... not to mention they were flying around a frigate in atmosphere in Hutt Space. They were either paying off the Hutts or working for them, otherwise they would have been shot down long ago. As it hovered over the hangar in question two smaller transports launched from the frigate, flying down towards the bay that the two Mandalorians and Dinosaur lady were running towards. Those on the ground would eventually run into more resistance int he form of an E-Web turret emplacement as well as two squads of pirate infantry. While the aerial approach would remain mostly unguarded. In the circle that was the landing pad, closed off from the outside world by a tall wall, were six large crates. Far larger than anyone likely expected from a job like this, the cargo was in sight. Now it was just up to the theives what the correct course of action was.