[center][h2][color=0054a6]Olin Ingersson Holmström[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3]Monday Evening, Swan Songs[/h3][/center] [i]Hey! Is the party really over for you!?[/i] The words cut crisply through her mind, interrupting the serious internal argument Olin had going on. Her thoughts - for some strange reason - didn't exactly want to cooperate with themselves, and she was sure that if any of the bystanders she passed happened to be telepathic the both of them would be put in an Institution. She paused her stroll before looking back with squinted eyes. She could make out the figure. Had she been at the...? Olin had no time to ask, as the woman explained herself. She cocked her head the slightest afterwards. Xia. Huh, that was her name. And Xia also seemed to be quite the lightweight. Although she didn't seem drunk, some tipsyness began to show, and Olin harbored some obvious reluctance. Though as a wiseman once said, [i]"Getting into shit is better with someone else."[/i] That she was sure of. Plus, she figured the woman's age could come in useful if any [i]drastic[/i] situations occured. Olin grinned the slightest before licking her lips, thinking over what could be any worse than getting drenched by sprinklers. After a while she shrugged, throwing her hands up, [color=0054a6]"The night's never over. I was thinking about drying off at my place, then hitting up a few spots."[/color] [color=0054a6]"Promise I won't kill you, or steal your organs,"[/color] She ran a finger through her hair, before quickly adding. [color=0054a6]"Olin. But call me whatever you want."[/color] Of course she didn't care to go into what things usually entailed when hanging-out with her. She reasoned that Xia seemed more mature, and was still lucid enough to make her own decisions. And Olin was never quite the one to push the more 'experimentive' parts of her life on others. She didn't exactly wait for the other to accept the request before beginning on her journey once again. They were already a little past the half-way point, so there was no time for idle conversations, especially with the added risk of illness. Though she wasn't heartless. She slowed down her pace the slightest, before looking over her shoulder in a way to reassure the other was still free to tag along. [hr] [@King Tai]