[@Wick][h1][color=teal][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NJFs3b8.jpg[/img] Wayne[/center][/color][/h1][hr] A small sigh of relief exited the Wesen's nostrils as Alexis came to a stop by his side, refusing to approach the center circle of the bridge. A small pulse traveled through the water, indicating the Tintenfische's disappointment, however, nothing else occurred to indicate that he would lash out. [h3][color=deepskyblue]"It is quite wise of you to heed his advice, Little One. That will serve you well in the months to come."[/color][/h3] After a brief pause, Wayne deemed it safe to speak again. [color=teal]"Deep Seer, you know why we seek council. Who were Sophie's assailants and how did they come to be aware of the Grimm presence in the city?"[/color] An unearthly chuckle echoed through the cavern, indicating Johann's amusement. [h3][color=deepskyblue]"Wayne, my child, certainly you know that my answers are not quite so easily obtained."[/color][/h3] Bowing his head, Wayne nodded, frustration clear on his Woged features. [color=teal]"Surely after our many years together perhaps I would be able to return my dues to you at a later-!"[/color] The soft blue glow of the water beneath them intensified for but a moment, causing a visible flinch to register through Wayne's body. Little caused visible fear in the man, however, an Alpha Wesen was among the few items on the list of things that would strike fear into his heart. As the shining light returned to its original glow, Wayne's breathing resumed. [color=teal]"A task. Very well. What must we accomplish?"[/color] While there were no physically observable changes in the cavern, a sense of dark satisfaction washed over the two bipeds standing on the bridge, overwhelming them as Johann invaded their thoughts with images of two pearls standing upon gleaming pedestals. Red velvet cushions lay under the treasures, holding them aloft in a sealed stone room. No words were spoken as the telepathic communication shut down all other senses, transmitting the raw, unfiltered thoughts of the Tintenfische to the lesser Wesen and human. Once all had passed, Wayne and Alexis were left standing in a dark room, the blue light gone. How long they had been standing in the dark, Wayne was unable to recall, however, it was clear that Johann had left their presence. [color=teal]"It would appear we must perform a heist, Alexis,"[/color] Wayne said, reflecting on the telepathic message. The meaning had been clear: steal the pearls and Johann would inform the pair of the identity of Sophie's attackers. [color=teal]"If we do not complete the task within a day, I fear that Johann will commission others to pursue us. Have you any experience as a thief?"[/color]