[center][color=teal][h2]Jessamyn "Jess" Bailey[/h2][/color][/center] [i]Breathe. Stay calm,[/i] Jess demanded of herself, inhaling and exhaling deeply, trying to stave off pins and needles of tension that pierced the weakened barrier from all around. She'd almost forgotten just how much stress many people tended to hide. It felt as if a ball of ice were plummeting through her, growing heavier with each stretched-out second, but she had to do this, if not for herself then for Roxy. The anchor was the one in trouble. She could hear the other woman growling something from upstairs, even if she couldn't hear the exact words. Jess' fingernails dug into her palms as she remained by the staircase, that sense of dread creeping over her - mixed with something else. Defiance. Whatever was going on, Roxy was doing her best to resist.