Ed let an eyebrow raise at Zahir's talk - he was obviously lost in a little translation, but still he meant well. "Sure, you can be my winged man..." he replied in an almost grunt of a voice. Despite being given clear orders to hoist the sails, there was something Ed wanted to do more, and he approached the centre ratlines and began to scale them quickly and with grace, and with a simple forward leap from the rope, he was then in the Crow's nest - staring out longingly at the oceanic horizon. With nobody able to see him, he could finally relieve himself... He put a hand up his shirt from the bottom, and slipped two fingers under the bandages around his chest - and then he could scratch. It was hard work keeping breasts flat with bandaging, and it was uncomfortable. But itching the 'underboob' was an immediate satisfaction. If anyone were watching, they might have seen Ed's eyes roll back just a little bit. Putting everything back in it's place, he stepped up on the sides of the Crow's nest, and took a well-timed leap back onto the ratlines, pulling away at ropes and moving through the ladders to start moving the sails as the Quartermaster had ordered. The fresh sea breeze blew at his face - the smell so familiar and beckoning to future adventures...