Yavanna kept Tilda and Sigrid shielded, as she stayed by their sides. She looked round the burning houses of Lake Town. Seeing people screaming, crying...jumping into the lake..others fleeing by their boats. It was a chaos. As she heard a roar near above, that's when she caught sight of Smaug with Fili and the rest of their company. The Dragon was more fierce, than legends could have described. Yavanna was sure, she could see the rage in Smaug's eyes. She feared for Lake Town. It'd be in ruins, if the Dragon was not killed and the fires put out. Kili stayed by Yavanna and the girls, the young Bain sitting between him and one of his sisters. He watched the horror unfolding before their very own eyes. He gasped as he caught sight of the Dragon with his brother and Yavanna.