[h3]PHILIA VON EINZBERN[/h3][B]Apartment, Innere Stadt, Vienna[/b] The manifested king appeared to a very headstrong individual, one that considered themselves entirely sovereign. When taken into consideration alongside the Archer's class skill of Independent Action, the probability of Ashurbanipal rebelling against her Master seemed to be rather high. It was thus unlikely that, despite having acknowledged Philia's role, the Servant would be entirely pleased with being commanded, particularly by somebody they recognised to be a homunculus. That was irrelevant. With the Command Seals, Philia von Einzbern was still [i]de facto[/i] a Master in the Heaven's Feel ritual. Claims to the contrary were without any bearing on the true reality of the situation. However, dismissing the beliefs of the Servant so readily were unlikely to bring about an optimal path to success. The facts would not change. Red eyes met the king's shining gaze without hesitation. Where the ancient Assyrian's eyes exuded sheer power and authority, Philia von Einzbern's were devoid of any emotion or life. Her eyes were crimson in the moonlight, like a pair of beautiful rubies, but no matter how breathtaking a sight they were, they were empty. There was nothing else to them. The homunculus, and every part of her, simply was. She existed, a mere doll that stood unchanging against the tests of time. A tool for the sake of Heaven's Feel. "An optimal course of action," she began simply, succinctly, "is to survey the city for possible battlefield locations." Philia von Einzbern quietly strode past the summoning circle, reaching for a booklet sitting upon an aged wooden end table. Even in the darkness of the apartment, it was recognisable as a relatively recent tourist guide to Vienna, one that comprehensively highlighted certain major locations within the city. Most importantly, however, was that it contained a map, and it was to that page that the homunculus flicked to as she returned to Ashurbanipal, holding it out to her Servant. "Geographical knowledge will assist in both engaging enemies," continued Philia, her tone unchanged, "and determining the location of the Lesser Grail and to ensure [b]her[/b] safety." For a Heaven's Feel ritual to exist, a Lesser Grail was necessary. As a result, it was probable that one of the Justeaze-type specimens had successfully escaped the destruction of the castle. That [b]she[/b] was safe from harm. For the sake of the Einzberns and human salvation, it was thus of the utmost important to prevent any other factions from acquiring [b]her[/b]. That was the task Philia von Einzbern sought to carry out.