[hr][hr][center][img]https://s9.postimg.org/tznya388f/strange.png[/img][hr][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C3ND1nitRs[/youtube][hr][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@FantasyChic][@mnkee][hr][h3][color=#0099cc][b]The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 4:17 PM Local Time[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr] Aravis nodded at Anastasia. There was no emotion associated with it - simply recognition that she had heard what Anna said to her. It was the most she was capable of. Otherwise, she may have looked at the deranged man in front of her with curiosity. To all appearances, Edgard was talking to himself. No one was really there. Some sort of mental break seemed to be the theme with those who had survived Luisa's accidental attack. Alisanne didn't respond to Edgard's mutterings. Instead she simply stared at him, almost like a cat watching a mouse agonize when caught in a trap. After a few minutes passed, she turned her gaze away, looking towards the sea. They would need the flask. With it, she could live forever. She would become a goddess among men. Their organization would rise to even greater power, given that they would have a leader that could not die. [hr][center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/8toinndFj8EQU/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][h3][color=#0099cc][b]The Devil's Triangle: April 4th, 1719 - 4:17 PM Local Time[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr] Septima smiled crookedly at Sirena. "Both," she said simply, before turning her attention to Millicent. She had expected these lost ones to simply go along with her instructions. That was how it had been in life - she was a witch and she had power that men desired. They did as she said and then their wishes were granted. "I see I must explain the process," Septima mused. She then walked towards the center of the room, practically standing on top of her brother. "When you drink from the flask, it strengthens the soul. Not the body. The body is weak, like that man," Septima then nodded towards Édouard. Given that he couldn't understand the language, he just beamed back at her, assuming that it was some form of praise. "Body must be strengthened by the liquid as well. Then you become god." At Anastasia's return, Septima frowned sharply. Her own body wasn't among the collected few. "Go to Misty Mire," Septima instructed Anastasia. The woman only had time for one more trip, if anything. Not everyone would be able to reclaim their lives and go onto become great - but that was fine. Septima knew that from the beginning. She didn't intend on everyone there becoming gods. She only focused on herself.