Yavanna rubbed the girls shoulders softly...feeling them trembling. She looked over at the Blonde Dwarf. "I fear, there's not much that can be done now...just help the wounded and dying when we reach shore, if possible." she said softly. That was all they could do...all the help they could offer. There was nothing, they could do...not against the Fire-Drake. She only prayed the God, that Bard would end up killing the beast. As they finally reached shore. Yavanna had jumped out of the boat...and she immediately, run over to help some of the injured people of lake town. One fragile, lady grabbed her hand...coughing "Hel...p...me..."she choked out, looking at the Princess...with her last few breaths. "Shh...it's okay." Yavanna tried to soothe the old lady. Trying to stop her bleeding...but even her own healing powers would not save her. Instead, the only thing Yavanna could do...was bring some peace to the dying lady. Yavanna hummed to her, softly...as she kept her pressure on the wound...but the old lady took her last breath...a slight smile on her face, from the Princess humming. Yavanna felt choked up...as she felt the old lady stop breathing. "Lothron aen a i elena, guide cin a beri- cin in menel." (May God and the Stars guide and protect you in heaven.) Yavanna whispered, she closed the ladies eyes gently...her cloak and hands covered in blood. Just then, in the background. Came a strange almighty roar...and then a large splash in the lake. Yavanna had caught brief sight of the Dragon falling. "What was that?" She heard mutters, as everyone looked back towards the lake. "I think that was the dragon...Smaug must be dead." Yavanna breathed out.