Kili was helping an injured woman out of the lake water. Helping her sit down,he began to access her wounds...stopping the bleeding, with a bit a cloth, he managed to tear from his shirt. As he looked around; his eyes still searching for Bard. He groaned as he got shoved back, by one stranger. Yavanna was helping out small children out of the water...they didn't seem injured. But just lost...she picked them both up carefully, since they were both very little. "Leave them alone!" Yavanna yelled as she saw some people, start to pick on Kili and Fili. "It is not their fault, for what the king has done. You better unhand him, if you know what's good for you." Yavanna told the man whom held Fili, firmly. The man looked at her with a raised eyebrow; but seeing she was serious...he shoved the young Dwarf away. Yavanna then looked around "Has anyone lost two small children?" she began to ask around. Kili was thankful for his god-mother and Yavanna. They had manged to stop him and Fili from getting hurt.