The men were all bark and no bite. Cowardly as they were, they backed off. "You'll be sorry for this!" A woman shouted, and others were quick to agree with her. "Should we see the likes of you again, you'll regret it." A young man no older than Fili was the one to make this threat. They didn't even acknowledge Yavanna when she had asked about the missing children. Now released, Fili helped his brother to his feet, and was quick to regroup with the group, shaken by what had almost come to pass. "Come. We must go", the winged she-elf said. Fili immediately followed. Somehow, Erebor didn't seem quite so important anymore. "Thank you, Delva. We couldn't thank you enough for you to watch over us", the blonde said. The eldest she-elf smiled, though sadly. "We're almost there", it was to help cheer him up again to pursue his dream. "They're right, aren't they? They lost their homes because of us..." The idea saddened him; both brothers have grown up hearing stories of losing Erebor, and now the people of Laketown were in the very same predicament. "Isn't there anything we can do?", he was desperate of what they can do to help, but Saeril looked around sadly. "I don't know, son of Durin. All we can do is get to the mountain. I'll reason with Thorin. I promise", and she did. They were in confusion, and she needed to clear it up with their uncle; the patient zero of the firestorm.