[@Kalleth] [color=PowderBlue][h1][center]Amelia Lycrosse[/center][/h1][/color] [hr][hr] [color=PowderBlue]"Oh, God, food sounds so good,"[/color] Amelia muttered as she grabbed her coat in a similar fashion to Jideh [color=PowderBlue]"And it's not that I'm interviewing you, I just want to get to know the person who has access to all of my stuff."[/color] She turned around and locked their suite door behind her. [color=PowderBlue]"It just seemed like the polite thing to do. I personally love steampunk, regarding book genres. Have you read Percy Jackson?"[/color] Amelia smiled up at the male. [color=PowderBlue]"What kind of food place are you taking me to? Anything you'd like sounds good, honestly, because I'm so hungry. You must be hungry too, from feeding that plant all the time. You look like I do when I overuse my powers and just need food."[/color] Her stomach growled. Amelia giggled a bit. [color=PowderBlue]"That was a beautiful sunset, wasn't it? My brother would have loved it. He would have already run off to paint it."[/color] She laughed. [color=PowderBlue]"Do you have any siblings other than your sister? What's she like? My oldest brother is five years older than me, and my second oldest brother is older by two minutes and forty-five seconds, but he acts like he's two [i]years[/i] older." [/color] Amelia smiled. [color=PowderBlue]"Does your sister act like that? Oh, and don't worry. Most girls I've met call you 'Jideh' or 'that stupidly cute boy'. I'm the only one who calls you the 'Flora Guy'." [/color]