Name: Rozali Saunders Age: 18 Gender: Female Race: Human [hider=Appearance:] [img=] Stands at around 5'5.(The Colonel always looks after her.....) [/hider] Profession: Bounty Hunter Personality: Smug and sarcastic, she always seems to have an air about her that she's better than everyone around her. Seemingly overconfident, but in reality, she is fully aware of her limitations, but simply doesn't show it. It's all an act really, to look tough, cool, and independent. Under the act, there is a much more depressed girl, one who really see's no meaning to the pointless life around her. It is as if she puts up this smartass, rude facade in a way to escape from those creeping thoughts of hopelessness and depression. Due to her attitude, it can be hard for her to make friends without mocking them, though if one where to put up with the mocking and sarcasm, you would suddenly find that she will offer good advice and be a friend you could rely on. Overall, while she may not realized it, she's confused to who she really is, and what kind of person she should be. In combat, her smug, taunting demeanor does not go away, but she does have a tendency to enjoy killing/hurting people a bit too much with her scythe and magic. Equipment/Weapons: Note Sheet: Her magical scythe. It is one she does not carry around, but summon on command. Doubles as a staff for channeling her magic. Abilities: Agility: While not particularlly fast, she can be fairly agile and quick to dodge. Spooky Scary Skeleton: A dark magic spell that is sung by the user to summon two undead skeletons to aid in combat. Due to her inexperience however, her skeleton minions serve more for distraction and cannon fodder purposes than actually attacking the enemy. A Shadow's Accelerando: Increases her speed more so for a brief period of time while distracting the enemy with blurring her motions with shadow magic. Vivace's Death Wish: Her standard dark magic attack, allowing her to send a beam of black musical notes wherever she aims her hand. Brief Backstory: (WIP getting late here)