As I think more and more about my possible female character, I realized there is no big chain supermarket store in Sol, which is a problem because that's where I want her to work. So I decided I'd make one. [center][img][/img][/center] [center]Esmart was established by a well to do immigrant family of Danish origins, originally taking on the style of a "Ma and Pa" store, it expanded into the recognisable brand it is today when the sons inherited. The newly rebranded Esmart was up to standard with some of the largest Supermarkets of the time, with linoleum floors, shopping carts and banks of freezers lining the back. This 'New Model' of Esmart came with the enduring logo and commenced the rapid expansion of the store with the city, becoming the predominant supplier of groceries for all of Sol. However in the 90s, under an Anti-Trust Law commission, Esmart was found guilty of monopolising the grocery market in the region and was forced to pay a settlement and drawback it's activities to Sol and the surrounding counties. Despite this, it continued to be a popular destination for shoppers well into the present day, and retains a large market share for its particular service. Though the chain does shelve American brands and produce, it is well known for being an importer of European (Namely Danish) products as well.[/center] I used paint to make the logo, and it took far longer then it should have. Maybe this is a bit of a frivolous detail, but I can't for the life of me post as my character, so I wanted to do something productive until the next skip.