[@Flamelord] [hr][hr][center][hider=Treasure Chest][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/906f/th/pre/i/2016/302/8/3/re_zero__emilia_by_raikoart-damksf2.png[/img][/hider] [hr] [url=https://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171123/156d2d6896d024e4623a801431d3390b.png[/img][/url][/center][hr][hr] Toy was certain she’d lost her pursuers though even now she was uncertain as how it had happened so much had gone wrong since Daddy had been killed right before her eyes. I had been terrifying and yet somehow part of her saw the present outcome as inevitable; even now she could hear the whispering but couldn’t understand it then she was drawn from her reverie when an unknown young woman sat next to her and began talking [b]“Well this isn't a sight you see very day,”[/b] the Solo started with small talk [b] “I'm giving it a fifty fifty shot that you're either looking for someone in particular here, or you have a job you need done on behalf of someone else. Wanna tell me if I'm right?”[/b] [color=27B8D9]”Actually I am here because I seek a quiet place of rest, I am pursued by murderers who killed my former Master”[/color] answered Toy as her Citadel activated and did an ELINT scan of her new companion cataloging her Bioware and conducting a light systems test of those present giving her an idea as to her capabilities. [color=27B8D9]”I am called Toy and can see a need for a secondary security operative. If you will check your datacard you will discover a retainer level 4 deposit. I will need your experience and service as I am not configured for my present situation and as such shall defer to your suggestions unless I can find fault at which time we shall discuss the subject and decide if my logic or yours is faulty”[/color] said Toy in a soft and comforting tone demonstrating she was equipped with something like the Silver Tongue modification. (Silver Tongue= Modification allows the user to modulate their voice with pleasing tones even at a whisper >add to interpersonal skills persuasion, singing and intimidation<)