[@CoyoteLovely][@Hekazu] [Center][color=fff200]Fionn Harken-[url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4c/0a/aa/4c0aaaffb374ed36742f3e16b9bcbc4e.jpg]KRS Wandering Guardian [/url] [/color][/center] Nakreyya's laugh teased out a similar chuckle from Fionn himself. He smiled as he rose from his chair and spoke. [color=fff200]"There is no shame in feeling wonder at such a completely new experience. It is my pleasure to show it to you."[/color] He gave her couple minutes longer to enjoy the view as they sped across the landscape, eventually clearing his throat and speaking again. [color=fff200]"The flight will take us about twenty minutes and I have a few more areas I would like to show you. You should enjoy the engineering section even if we can't get to anything else.[/color] She might not be able to understand much if anything that went on within that esoteric section but he was certain she would have a blast anyway. Heck, if what he had seen so far was any indication she might just decide to live down there if she became a permanent member of the crew.