[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/q6L3Sfa.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=e9b45d]Cydone[/color][/h3][/center] Not doing anything in his previous post, just searching ruins and occasionally defending himself from a Khaine trap probably. [@thewizardguy] [center]-[/center] [center] [h3][color=bc8dbf]Cassiopia[/color][/h3] [hider=Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/fMyzaEp.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] Still riding the wave. Or current as the case may be. [@KoL] [center]-[/center] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JoVuKGY.png?1[/img] [h3][color=e6e6e6]Zyata[/color][/h3] [/center] [b][color=00aeef]"And you're telling me this as if I'm not aware."[/color][/b] [color=e6e6e6]"But why are we still doing it? Is she trustworthy enough to give you useful help and not the whole 'doing the quest made you stronger and that's the help, the power was inside you all along' thing? Those are super annoying. I tried not to go on quests any more after that experience with them."[/color] Zyata wondered aloud, trying to divert the issue. She wasn't the most observant person, and hadn't noticed Titanica had noticed, but rather than admit that, she was gonna keep running her mouth until she found away out, or dug herself a hole straight to hell. [color=e6e6e6]~I hope she doesn't think I think she's dumb or something. I just didn't notice a difference between grumpy and grumpy because fetch quest. Er... Wait, that doesn't sound much better now that I think about it... Uhhhmmm.~[/color] [b][color=00aeef]"We're not alone... Change of plan... we're going for the goat first."[/color][/b] [color=e6e6e6]"You can make portals? Awesome! Why were we walking everywhere?"[/color] Zyata dropped the Griffon wing she had been tearing off in surprise. Sure, the portal looked a bit questionable and like it'd probably take her to some bleak hellscape, but she already trusted Titanica with not squishing her and that seemed to have worked alright? What could possibly go wrong? [b][color=00aeef]"Follow me."[/color][/b] [color=e6e6e6]"GERONIMO!"[/color] Zyata entered the portal much as she had entered the hot spring, with perhaps overwhelming enthusiasm. [color=e6e6e6]~I'll land on my feet, cause cat. Right?~[/color] [center]-[/center] [color=e6e6e6]"Oww..."[/color] Zyata rubbed her ass a little, not expecting as short of a drop as it had been, but she was walking it off fine. She was probably about to complain a little more when robo-raptors showed up. A smile took her face! Time to show them what for... Ok wow, that's fast. Not trusting herself to get a solid bead on a weak point in their armor with their speed as they approached, Zyata shifted her rifle to her front, the barrel resting between her relative meager breasts, with one hand while the other drew her spear as she ran forward towards the swarm. Her eyes scanned back and forth.. for something, and with a smile she seemed to have found it as she picked a target. Even with the reach advantage of a spear and a downhill momentum advantage, it was kind of dumb to attempt to charge when you were a 80 kg tiger-girl vs a god knows how much robo-raptor. Even if the spear did breach its armor, sheer momentum would lead to her being crushed under its weight like a child against a boar. Which was, why instead of attempting to spear the robo-raptor, she used it more like a quarterstaff, thrusting the shaft horizontally into its outstretched teeth and claws as she slid under it. The friction tore up her back with the extreme speed and the rockiness of the mountain, but what was a few more stripes? But more importantly, it also tore her rifle strap, which began bouncing up. Letting go of the spear, she twisted as she slid, the ground falling away from her as she jumped a tiny cliff, and she sighted down the rifle in mid flight. The raptor machine slowed and turned, its speed momentarily zero, and Zyata had her shot, the anti-material rifle finding a chink in its armor and tearing its insides apart violently. Once again, the cat landed with horrible form as far protecting herself went, but her gun was held high and safe. But, the landing zone was less good than she had hoped. She had been trying to break out of the encirclement but the enemy seemed to be numberless and she found herself isolated in their midst, without her melee weapon. And they had grown ice weapons and... That looked like the windup for a projectile attack. Zyata leapt away in an undignified, almost on all fours, scrabbling to a nearby shale rock outcropping. On the plus side, seeing she was being fired at from all angles, any missed shots had a decent chance of hitting other raptors. On the downsides, regular bullet shots probably bounced off these things unless they hit a weak point, and she was being fired at from all sides. Reaching the shale, she fired two round, one smashing its connection to the cliff, and another to set it moving faster, as she slid her way down the mountain, struggling to stay atop her little mini-avalanche that could hopefully get her out of the encirclement and not get buried underneath it. [color=e6e6e6]"And gotta stay low.. I don't need the left arm if I don't have my spear anyway. And the other one feels like a flesh wound, barely hit me, I'll be fine."[/color] She tried to psyche herself up through the pain. She was damned lucky or quick to act to have not died immediately in the hail of ice bullets from every direction, but she wasn't fast enough to evade all of them, and had already been shot once in the left upper arm, and once near her waist, fortunately a few inches above shattering a hip. Even her gun had been hit, but she didn't have time to check the damage. [@Lmpkio][@TheWindel]