"Three." Ryan and Louis' eyes were directed at Isaac. "Three people. The same day. Different gifts." Isaac said leaning back in his chair, gently stroking the table in a circular motion. "That could explain a thing or two." Louis began as he slowly nodded his head, and Isaac pushed his plate forward. "This morning at the boardwalk, and all of those people standing still. Probably me. The girl standing still, despite the-" Isaac looked at Louis, then to Ryan, "... in the warehouse. I know that was me." Ryan stared at Isaac as Louis shuffled lightly in his seat, "However, the most interesting thing is that whether I concentrate or not, I can see things. Like, it can be anything, or anyone, but it's not my sight." "So you can see through other people's eyes?" Louis asked "I think so, like, my own sight kinda splits into a web, but I can still see what I'm doing perfectly fine. I just see, or know, what the person is doing. That how I stopped the girl from attacking me." "A girl atta-" "BUT," Isaac cut Ryan off "It's what she did that's the interesting part. I was getting ready to try to fight, I'm not the best, but I'll try. And as she was a little quicker in her pace, I focused on her, and then I saw what she was seeing, which was me in a fighting stance. It's bizarre, I know." Isaac breathed in deep, "But I saw myself, and I knew I couldn't take them both, but then she clothes-lined him. Flat on his back." He shifted in his chair a bit, "It's not a coincidence for someone I didn't know, and she didn't know me. Whatever I can do, it has to do with people." Isaac's eyes grew wide and then glanced at Louis, "Hey, I wanna try something." He said as he scooted his chair back and walked behind Louis. "The hell?" Louis spurted "Don't worry, I don't think it hurts." Isaac took a deep and almost instantly, his vision turned into the fractals and he began to see what Louis saw. Quick glances around the room, Isaac's eyes never left the back of Louis' head. "Stop looking at my stuff on my shelves, you already knocked them over!" Isaac laughed Without saying a word, Isaac lifted his hand, and lightly twitched his index finger. Louis' left arm fully extended outward, then relaxed. He twitched his pinky finger and Louis' right arm twisted to the point where it was noticeably not under Louis' own control. Isaac blinked and was back in his own vision, Louis' body relaxed. "I'm so sorry, I won't do it again." Isaac sincerely spoke as he ran his hands through his hair, half surprised with himself.