[center][h1][color=gold] Servant Archer [/color][/h1][/center] [center][color=gold][i]Apartment, Innere Stadt, Vienna[/i][/color][/center] The king took the small, insignificant pamphlet, printed upon a somewhat slippery feeling paper material, looking at it for a second with a raised eyebrow. Yikes, humanity had gotten lazy on the map making, it seeming, but for what would be called a "tourist" this would seem suffice to give a basic layout of the area. Paltry compared to a well-made tablet with all of the information on it in proper measurement, ah, but perhaps she was a tad biased on the matter. Not that she cared if she was biased on it. She was the king, and the king could care less about such things, though as a scholar she was somewhat mildly interested in this thing she had been handed. Once she was done reading it over multiple times, a fast thing for as servant like her to do, before gently setting it to the side so her master would be able to look back at it. [color=gold]"The lesser grail is perhaps a homunculus or golem of sorts then, specialized to this task at that, from what i am hearing and can ponder on the matter. But what if another enemy has already acquired the Lesser Grail's vessel, hmm? Or another party that might seek to influence the war? Hmm, doll who shows no light of life in her eyes? This is something you need to consider, to keep in mind,"[/color] the king said, stalwart but serious in her tone, her adamant confidence not backing down for a moment even despite the three command seals upon the homunculus' hand. [color=gold]"The greed of men, among other such human feelings, are aspects that influence the motivations and actions of those involved in a war such as this. To understand the human mind, that is an important thing among others to note in conflicts and wars like this. Logic alone cannot suffice if we are to win, and to secure this 'Lesser Grail' individual as you so stated wanting to do. With that in mind, you must come to better understand humans, to better understand the mindset of your prey."[/color] To be frank on her end, it was rather boring to have an emotionless doll as her master. Hmpf. What sort of subject couldthis master of hers ever end up being, if she could not feel the throes of humanity impulses? Fear, joy, anger, these among other things that composed the human mind and allowed for one to understand their spirit. Perhaps this would be something to work on for this master of hers amidst the war's course, or at least something that herself as the king should supervise and attempt to stimulate. Surely this doll had the capability to feel, locked underneath those circuits and bones of hers. Honestly, she somewhat was reminded of Enkidu, puppet of the gods, shaped as it was in the legend of the Golden King himself. Heh. But as thin a comparison as it was to make, even that "mud puppet" had been able to grow in ways the gods had not forseen. So what was to say this comparably shoddy craftsmanship of magi could not do the same potentially? Haha! And she could theoretically be this doll's Gilgamesh, in some sense! What a laughable and pitiful metaphor to make of this, but how it amused Archer so! [color=gold]"Ah, but we must needs return to the point in question. Indeed, surveying potential battle sites is one thing needed to eventually secure victory for our cause,"[/color] Ash said aloud, her voice booming with regal fervor and authority, looking back into the ruby eyes of the seemingly unfeeling doll before her, [color=gold]"Is that the business for tonight then? I go and seek to secure a lay of the land? If so, i desire to not go too far out tonight, in case some foe sensed my summoning."[/color] [@Crimmy]