The Nephaelic youth was perched on a branch, his back pressed against the trunk of the tree. [i]'Being here is so..strange. How did I get here, again?'[/i] Will thought to himself, his silver and gold eyes glancing at the dense brush around him. His hand lightly patted the rough bark of the tree as he smiled to himself. Alone, he was. He hadn't always been that way, from what his parents had told him. But he couldn't remember, ever since the near death experience that had happened when he was Fifteen. His childhood? Gone. All of it, in the blink of an eye. But, some good things could come from bad things. He knew what he was, after that unfortunate event. He was no longer surprised when his mother's wings came out, or when his own decided to sprout from his back. How had he never noticed them as a Kid was a mystery.