[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171107/e1dfa47ef60f039f9ed7e6c8f7aa373f.png[/img][/center] [hr] Nee watched Acheri's smile waver for a split second but she had no idea what it meant, other than that her smile slightly wavered. The would-be Saint brushed a tress of her messy blonde hair out of her face and looked back at the other woman. If this answer phased her, she surely did not show it. Although she did mention the State Attorney's Office, so perhaps not much phases her. Neaera continued to watch the woman, full of hope that she would have some sort of clue as to where the Saints' are. It was, of course, a long shot. After all, what are the chances that a random citizen would have any idea where the secret base of the city's watchful protectors is? They couldn't be very good, and although Neaera was not a gambling-type-of-girl, if she was, these were not odds she would take. [color=forestgreen]"... Could you tell me a little about the Saint you met?"[/color] Nee's brain kicked into overdrive. Was it too early to get her hopes up? Does this mean she does indeed know where to find them? Will getting her hopes up jinx the whole thing? There's no way it worked out... But maybe, it was the kind of cosmic coincidence that the world seemed to enjoy springing on people. [color=forestgreen]"I know where to find them. But I can't take you there unless I think you're on the level, okay?"[/color] The second sentence kicked Nee out of her stream of thought and brought her back into the here-and-now. Right. Answer question. Freak out later. What did the Saint look like? [colour=FFD700]"Well... He was older. Middle aged, I think. He seemed angered by my questions and did not give very specific answers. I seemed to annoy him. He must have been very busy." [/colour] Neaera did her best to recall the encounter. It was a few days ago by this point but it was still fairly fresh in her memory. She could practically still hear the sirens and the screeching of tires. Nee herself had shown up to the scene in hopes of stopping the robbers but by the time she arrived the Older Saint had already caught most of the thieves. It truly was an impressive sight.