[h3]Ranch House[/h3] Mina worked with the deft hands that came with years of practice, setting up an IV and slipping it neatly into the prisoner’s vein. Most of the damaged, deadened skin had been cut away, leaving gaping wounds in their place. It was a grisly sight, and the woman still had a long ways to go to recover, but it was an improvement at least. Dawn gave a grim nod. [color=#2d50ff]“Call me if you need anything else,”[/color] was all she said before turning to leave the doctor to her work. Or, rather, she [i]would[/i] have left, if not for the fact that she had caught the presence of their resident serial killer descending the stairs. Dawn wasn’t one to swear. It was somewhat strange that she held onto the custom in a life where it wasn’t wholly uncommon to spend weeks wondering where your next meal would be coming from, but for whatever reason, and torture ran rampant beneath your feet, but it was a habit she clung onto regardless. Still, she found herself wanting to make an exception as she watched Spire strut into the basement like he had just won a small fortune. In several decisive steps, Dawn stepped between the man and the prisoner, regarding him with arms crossed. [color=#2d50ff]“We aren’t making a ‘clean slate’ for anyone, actually,”[/color] Dawn said. [color=#2d50ff]“She’s being put off-limits.”[/color] Before she could say more, however, a sudden pang of…[i]something[/i] hit her. Something distinctly unpleasant, like insects being set loose to run beneath her skin, within her skull. And then it went silent. And then Dawn’s eyes shot wide, hand flying up to rest against her head. Like a candle that had been snuffed out- or, more accurately, as if a limb had been neatly plucked from her body- the effect was instantaneous, then quickly horrendous. The gentle, reassuring hum of thoughts around her was suddenly silenced, leaving a void behind. It was as if she had gone deaf. She looked up at the others, the same helpless look as a deer stuck in the headlights on her face. [color=#2d50ff]“I- I can’t-”[/color] She began, then swallowed, shutting her eyes for a moment. Calm. She needed to stay calm. Especially if there was trouble. When she opened her eyes again, she had managed to recompose herself, although she was visibly pale. [color=#2d50ff]“Something’s wrong. I can’t- my powers are gone. I can’t sense anything.”[/color] Dawn glanced between her company, then pursed her lips. The world rumbled over their heads. [color=#2d50ff]“I’m going to go check on the others. Find out what’s happening.”[/color] With that, she darted upstairs, trying to ignore how loud her steps seemed. It was as she stepped into the light of day that she realized that leaving things as they were in the basement, Spire hanging about the prisoner like a vulture, she was playing a hefty risk with the woman’s life. Mina was still with her, yes, but Spire could be patient when needed. And now, with his thoughts closed off...Dawn hesitated, half-tempted to go back down, but was pulled out of it at the roaring from outside the ranch house. At Drake’s weak, pained cry. At the sudden thump, and distinctly organic crunch that followed. Gripping the pistol within her coat pocket, Dawn rushed outside, and was met with the sight of the man responsible- if his cheerful rambling was any indication The truck sitting behind him was alarming, as was Toby and Hel’s proximity to both, but that wasn’t what made her stomach drop. It was the sight of Rei lying motionless in front of the house in a broken heap. She wasn’t waking up. If Drake’s shaky grip on the porch’s beam signified anything, it was that [i]everyone’s[/i] powers were indeed gone, and some were taking it far more worse than others. [color=#2d50ff]“Oh, god.”[/color] The words were soft, given no time to settle before Dawn rushed forward, moving to support Drake. She couldn’t do much for Rei, at least not now- she didn’t seem to be breathing, and Dawn wouldn’t be able to bring her inside, herself- but, with her free hand, she took a hold of her gun, briefly checking to ascertain that it was loaded and ready to go. With her Gift gone, it was her primary means of defense. [color=#2d50ff]“Let’s get you inside,”[/color] she said abruptly, quickly. In the state Drake was in, it was likely far better for him to sit, to try and not expend [i]too[/i] much of his energy. Dawn chose not to speak to the slaver himself, instead keeping her ears open for the man’s next words. He had come for a definite purpose- something that didn’t bode well, given the fact that he seemed to have done his research on them all. It was far too quiet.