Full Name: Nicci Karuga Age: Stopped aging at 10 but has been alive 32 years. Gender: Female Gift- Energy scars: Nicci can launch red slashes from her hands that travel quickly up to 15ft. At point blank ranges the Red Energy slashes can sever limbs, cut stone, and rend weak metal. The slashes can still cut stone up to 5ft. as well as metal if hit repeatedly. From 6 to 15ft the slashes as unable to cut stone or metal. Most often energy scars can't cut all the way through limbs at this distance and disapate during the cut, leaving potentially fatal gashes. Loyalty: Ashlander Description: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/kagura/images/a/af/Kagura.png/revision/latest?cb=20151104012257[/img] [/hider] Nicci is almost always in a neat white mini dress with red trimming. Her hair is decorated with 4 special red and black flowers that never wilt. Sh never wears any sort of shoes. She has short black hair and her eyes are a bright blue with an ornate Iris shape. Personality: Nicci takes her form as a ticket to act childish around others, forming an innocent view of herself with those around her. She seeks comfort in other groups, often pretending to be a helpless child in need of something. In reality she is quite smart and manipulative, preferring to live off of the work of others for things like food and water. However she is somewhat childish, never having to grow up physically she feels entitled to such behaviors. Skills: Nicci is good at tying and undoing knots. She also has a light step and is good at sneaking around. Nicci has practiced picking locks and carries a lockpick set. She's very good with slight of hand and thievery. Apart from her difficulty controlling kick on a weapon she's a fairly steady shot. Weaknesses: Nicci is weak due to her young body and could be physically restrained easily. Brief History: Nicci travels around the ashlands trading goods at settlements. She uses her small stature as leverage to get good deals from good natured people. Nicci cannot remember having a mother or father at any point in her life. Her earliest memory is trying to steal a pack from a travelers camp. She was successful and remembered deciding to work on being sneaky from that day forward. Other: Nice carries a good size backpack filled with her belongings, as well as a thigh holster covered by her dress. The pistol in the holster is a USP .45 compact to fit her smaller hand size and help her deal with recoil. Nicci also carries 2-3 spare clips in her underwear.