A few possibilities clicked together in Sabine's mind already. She looked aside and found Yerig's state to make more sense, at least where alchemy was involved. She pondered whether he could use the same joint salve she supplied to Ahnasha during her pregnancy years ago when she remembered he was still awaiting an answer. "I think so," she said quickly. "Goodnight, Yerig. And thank you." Sabine didn't think she could go to sleep that moment if she wanted to. Finding some implements and ingredients to make potions could help distract herself, at least. Yerig and Rhajul could use them. She stood up, letting her cloak slide up from the ground to follow her height. Around the campsite where a few wild grasses and flowers. The bark from the trees might even have some useful properties. She kept her eyes open for Rhajul while foraging, wherever he was, so they wouldn't startle one another.