Yavanna smiled softly at Saeril...she appreciated, they were letting her go like that. Even though she knew she'd miss them, she had felt torn about staying or going. "I appreciate, everything you done. Thank you." Yavanna told her with a warm smile, as she smiled up at her. And Yavanna meant everything, including this moment, and keeping her feelings about Legolas, a secret. Until the boys had somewhat figured it out themselves. "Keep the boys safe...and good luck." she said softly before she nodded "Of course we will." The young Princess said with a soft smile. She knew, one day they'd meet again. Kili smiled at Yavanna softly; she seemed rather happy. As long as she was happy, he was happy for her. He boarded the boat, not long after Fili and Saeril. Giving Yavanna a wave. Tauriel smiled softly, at the moment. "Well, I think this is quite a good idea." she said with a warm smile towards the young Princess. "You don't mind?" Yavanna asked, looking over at Tauriel. "Of course I don't." Tauriel said with a warm smile. "At least, Legolas here can stop worrying so much." she teased a little. But she did see how concerned and torn he almost seemed. So it was definitely a good thing, she was here.