Rebrer raised an eyebrow. Perhaps a less direct way of going about things would be prudent here. Whilst he had found half-orcs to be everything from ruthless killers to happy-go-lucky morons, he had a feeling that she was somewhere inbetween. Not that that mattered. Questions needed to be answered, and he doubted he was getting answers from the other folk in the party. "Name's Rebrer." He held a hand out, keeping his hood up. He had found that when undercover, you told as few lies as you need to. Fewer lies you told, fewer lies you needed to remember. Fewer lies you needed to remember, fewer lies you had to forget, and forgetting a lie could be very bad. Besides, people didn't react to other names as quick as they did the one they had been born with. "How'd you get the prisoner?" [@Lucius Cypher]