[@Flightless_Soul] Natalia listened carefully to the cowgirl sitting next to her. With a black pen in her hand, she began writing something on one of the pages of her "Hello Kitty" notebook. [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71I26KLTJWL._SY355_.jpg[/img] [img]https://kawaii.kawaii.at/img/Hello-Kitty-with-teddy-bear-and-bows-ring-binder-notebook-170565-3.jpg[/img] "Dear Harley, I am truly sorry for hurting your feelings by answering Ms. Maeda's question. And yes, maybe I could have done less with the explanation. I guess, I left the nerd in me take control of the situation and I let her run free so she could analyze every detail of the question. I consider you my friend and I will never hurt a friend on purpose. It deeply hurt me that you would think I would embarrass you or I would scar your back on purpose. You said you were not going to get mad over what happened but judging by your voice you definitely got hurt and for that, I am truly sorry. Could you please forgive this nerdy friend of yours? P.S. Being moody is okay, we are teenagers after all. ^^ And...if what you are going to tell me is related to the call you got earlier, please don't feel obligated to tell me anything....as I told you...I will patiently wait until you are ready to tell me." The blonde-haired girl ripped off the page from her notebook and folded it in half. She waited until Ms. Maeda turned her back to write something on the whiteboard and quickly placed the paper on Harley's notebook. As Ms. Maeda continued explaining about the Steps of the Scientific Method, the petite girl fixed her gaze on the whiteboard and resumed taking notes on her notebook. Suddenly, the bell rang. The second period was over, however, the class was not. This was a required course, which meant there were another forty-five minutes before the students could go to their next class. [hr] "Great idea, Mr. Felton", said Amelia. "Let's take him to the infirmary so he can rest." Her look turning into a dispirited one. "Although...I don't think Sam's parents can be contacted. My uncle is in England on a business trip and my aunt is on a cruise to the Bahamas with her friends..." As a bit of hope appeared on the green-eyed girl's visage, she uttered softly. "Maybe...[b]she[/b] will come..." A few seconds had passed since Amelia's words when a kind-looking woman came rushing through the school entrance. Pushing the doors, the woman ran into the hall. "Sam...oh dear....I was right, you should not have come to school at all!" [img]http://blog-imgs-93.fc2.com/k/a/d/kadukikagayaki/2016070120385630e.jpg[/img]